[Opinions] Name for a character
Hi! I already posted this in The Writing Room but I want to also put it here to get opinions from people who don't go there. I am writing a story and using a random name for a character until I am completely decided. I have a few in mind but would love and appreciate your suggestions. What name, maybe middle name and last name combo would you use for Kawakami Tomie-like character? Similar personality and looks (long black hair, pale skin, maybe blue eyes). She is a teenager. Ethnicity is not explicitely stated, so you can suggest names and surnames of any origins. Story takes place in the US if it's any help. Thanks for your suggestions!


First thought is Ondine / Undine maybe with the nickname Didi. Surname Akai? https://surnames.behindthename.com/name/akai
I must admit I had to Google who Kawakami Tomie was. I'm not an expert on the Japanese Manga world. I looked at her and read a bit and I think something dark and gothic is in order. She sounds like a nasty person.First Name & Middle Name CombosDrusilla Odette (Drusilla just sounds like a mean woman to me)
Amaris Ivy (Amaris sounds like amorous which is appropriate for a woman who seduces men)
Elvira Phoenix (Tomie regenerates no matter how many times she dies according to what I read)
Vesper Leona (Vesper just sounds evil to me)
Estella Raven (see Drusilla)
Tabitha Onyx (witchy vibe)
Andromeda Lux (Lux means "light" so it would fool people that she is good)
Theodosia Rue (men "rue" the day they meet this person)
Zella Nimue (just sounds like someone who is bad news)
Demelza Winter (sounds like a cold person who uses people)Other first names that could work: Lilith, Branwen, Morwenna, Natalia/Natash, Lorelei, Phaedra, Artemisia, Millicent, Isadora, Seraphina, Dahlia, Marceline, Demetria, Odette, Apollonia. Tristana, Ottilia, Lenore, Morgana, Samara and Isolde.Surname Suggestions: Salem, Hawthorne, Blackburn, Mallory, Graves, Blake, Dresden, Grimm, Locke, Talon, Spurlock, Deville, Nash, Tempest, Fane, Holloway, Gray, Havelock, Winterbourne, Mortimer, Bloodworth, Wolfe, Hemlock, Balsam, Stone, Underwood and Blackvale.Examples: Drusilla Odette Gray, Amaris Ivy Havelock, Demelza Winter Fane, Elvira Phoenix Winterbourne Play around with the names and see what you can come up with.
What I was thinking about is definitely in the same vein as your suggestions. A lot of what I have on the list of potential names is the same. The story I'm working on is definitely dark and gothic but no regenarating, just similar personality and appearance (her looks is what I imagine when I think of villainess).
Tomie is the Junji Ito character, right? I've never read it, but I've heard about it. Some "creepy femme fatale mean girl" name ideas:(These are randomly generated)Lucilla Cindy Wilmer
Veronica Lacy
Cecily Elise Sedlakova
Olivia Leah O'Kelly
Klara Beau Fabien
Darshana Elliott
Melita Megan Slaine
Theodosia Amala Baumann
Kristina Flavia Kleid
Yuzuki Van Asch
Candi Cerridwen O'Hannigan - I think this is my favourite