[Opinions] Todays Newspaper
Unrelated women in todays newspapers. WDYT?Bethesda
RosariamariaDon’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from

This message was edited 8/22/2024, 3:21 AM


My aunt actually lives in Bethesda Maryland. I have no strong feelings on the names. I do love Maria on its own.
Esperance is a beautiful French version of Hope. I like it as well as the Spanish Esperanza and the Italian Speranza.Bethesda is a Biblical place name, a town in Maryland and a video company. Rosariamaria looks like a smoosh of Rosaria and Maria. It's too long as a first but it would be better as fn and mn combo.
The strongest association I have for Bethesda is the video game company. It does have a lyrical name!Esperance is beautiful. I love Esperanza too.Rosariamaria is a little long, but it's pretty. I love Rosaria.
Rosariamaria is pretty, though it looks quite odd and awkward all run together that way.In the US, Bethesda is a Maryland suburb of Washington DC, famous mainly as the home of the Bethesda naval hospital.
Don't really like any
Esperance is glorious and worlds better than Hope.
I once worked under a woman named Esperance van Heerden. Her father had been responsible for founding a Teacher Training College and one of its halls of residence was named Esperance, presumably after his daughter, or perhaps the other way round. The meaning is good: I've just watched the Democratic Party vice-presidential candidate explaining why his daughter is named Hope. I'd prefer to use either name as a mn only.Bethesda is a way of having a daughter known as Beth without using Elizabeth or Bethany; plus, it's biblical, which might or might not matter.Rosariamaria is seven syllables long! I hope she goes by Rosie.
Esperance is amazing. I think Bethesda is a video game company?