[Opinions] How would you spell these names
I’ve got two names stuck in my head- I think I’ve heard them out loud, though I can’t think where, and I’m wondering how to spell them.
The first one: ə-MEHR-ee (like Mary but with an ə sound at the beginning)
The second one: DAY-mee (like Jamie with a D)
I’m pronouncing these both with a spoken English accent.
Do you have any ideas how you’d spell these? Thank you!


Amerie and Damie
Emory or maybe emuiry

This message was edited 8/22/2024, 5:26 PM

AmerieDami (sounds like a nn for Damian)
Damie or Demi

This message was edited 8/22/2024, 11:38 AM

Amarie or AmeryDaymee, Daymei, Daymi or Daimee

This message was edited 8/22/2024, 11:36 AM

Emory or Emorie. I have a West London accent and would pronounce both as e meh REE.DAY-mee I would presume was Demi or Deymi

This message was edited 8/22/2024, 9:56 AM

Daymie For me, those spellings would encourage the right pronunciation. I tried playing around with using an E for Amairy but it started looking like a racially insensitive way of saying "Emily" so.... Amairy it is. It's the most straightforward.
For DAY-mee, I'd go with Damie or Demi. For ə-MEHR-ee... Ameri? Not Emery or Amery or Emerie, because I would emphasise the first syllable.

This message was edited 8/22/2024, 9:26 AM

The first pronunciation sounds similar to the French male name Aimery. If it's a girl, it could be Emerie.The second sounds like another pronunciation of the female name Demi.