[Opinions] Guinevere, Eunice, Mathilde, or Dorothea?
Which is your favorite/order of preference?


Guinevere > Dorothea > Mathilde > Eunice
Guinevere. I'd call her Gwyn.
Dorothea, Mathilde, Guinevere. I dislike Eunice. I'd also prefer Dorothy, Matilda and Genevieve!
Ooh I love all of these! Dorothea > Mathilde > Guinevere > Eunice
Dorothea > Eunice > Mathilde > Guinevere
Guinevere If you included Matilda that would be 1 and Genevieve 2Don't like the others at all

This message was edited 8/23/2024, 1:12 AM

1. Guinevere
2. Mathilde - if Matilda might have been at 1
3. Eunice
4. Dorothea - Thea alone would be higher
Yes, if Matilda was an option, it would be my #1 as well.