[Opinions] Neil and Niall
This isn’t a name I have thought about in years though I knew a couple of people with this name when I was a girl. They were both around 3/4 years older than me. Suddenly I’ve discovered a new found love for this name. So WDYT of Neil and Niall and what middle names would you pair with them?Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from


I prefer Niel because it's a more intuitive spelling. I always pronounced Niall like Nile. I feel stupid.In any case, Niel/Niall sounds better as a MN, but I'll try:
Niall Bailey
Niall Johnson
Niall Carpenter
Niall Jeremiah
Niall Henry
Niall Joseph
Niall Jason
Niall Jackson
Niall Henri
Niall Garrett
Niall Barrett
Niall Cooper
Niall Isaiah
I like both, but I prefer Niall over Neil. I'd pair it with a spunky or more unusual middle name, like:Niall Arcturus
Niall Abraxas
Niall Zohar
Niall Storm
Niall Finch
Niall ZiggyNeil Zeppelin
Neil Zion
Neil Hawk
They are ok, prefer Neil
I love Neil and Niall. I've known some really cool people named Neil and if I were to ever have a kid, Neil would be on the name list. I enjoy the spelling and sound. Niall is nice, too, but I don't have as much of a connection with it.
I like Niall very much indeed, if and only if it's pronounced like the Egyptian river. I dislike Neil intensely, so Niall is often at risk. Neil, apart from sounding like Kneel, is the name of a family member by marriage whom I really can't stand, and I don't know any other Neil people who might neutralise that effect.