[Opinions] Aurore, Aline, Antonia, or Bérénice?
Which is your favorite/order of preference?

This message was edited 8/25/2024, 6:10 AM


Antonia > Bérénice > Aline > Aurore
Antonia is beautiful and easy for me to pronounce.
Bérénice is also pretty, but I like it less than Antonia.
Aline is nice, but muted.
Don't really like Aurore.
1 Antonia
2 Aline
3 Aurore
4 Bérénice
Antonia for sure. My great great great grandfather, great great grandfather and great granduncle were all named Antonio. My great grandmother was Hilma Antonia, because her three year old brother had died in the Spanish Flu. I’m not a huge fan of the others.
Antonia gets first place, easily.I admire Bérénice, it's lovely, but I would butcher the pronunciation.Aline is cute, definitely the wallflower here.Aurore I dislike. Aurora is pretty, but Aurore is not.
Only Antonia, I'm afraid. The others all tie for last place.
Antonia Don't like the others
Antonia > Bérénice > Aurore > Aline