[Opinions] WDYT?
What do you think of the name Bethia / Bethiah? It’s a version of the Biblical name Bithia / Bithiah. Which spelling do you prefer, Bethia or Bethiah?I think it’s such a beautiful name and from doing research, I see it was used some in the U.K. and U.S.A. in the 1600’s and 1700’s. Seems like it would fit in nicely with the Puritan style names to me.Sarah -
Wife to Paul
Mama to:
Jasper Emmanuel (2010)
Jethro Zion (2014)
Eden Arielle (2017)
Moses Remiel (2018)
Gideon Eliezer (2023)

This message was edited 8/25/2024, 4:44 PM


I prefer Bithiah and according to BTN, the second syllable is pronounced "THIE" not "THEE". The name was borne by the daughter of a Pharaoh. She was the woman who found baby Moses floating in the Nile.
Yes, I always liked the name Bithiah, ever since I was a kid. Then I discovered the Bethia variant and thought it was lovely too. As for pronunciation, I prefer the “thee” version for Bethia.
Not a name I'd ever think twice about. If I wanted a Beth name, I'd pick Bethan.
Bethia but I prefer Bethea.
Bethiah seems very nice, if you're pronouncing it Beth-EYE-a.
Bethia looks like Beth-ee-a or Beth-ya, and I'd be more likely to take it as Beth with a Latiny frill on it, than Puritan styled.
Tbh, I like the name pronounced Beth-ee-a, no matter the spelling.
Ah, well in that case I think it would be better with the Bethia spelling. Just because I usually read -iah names as "-EYE-a."
Bethia looks like an obsolete diminutive of Elizabeth to me. Interesting. I don't love it. But it does intrigue me a bit.
I like the Bethia spelling best, although neither are my style.