[Opinions] Name sighting!
This was pretty exciting for me, since I don't hear about many babies anymore. Today I hobbled into a walk in clinic, and in the waiting room I overheard a man showing off pictures of his newborn granddaughter, who was named Elora Evangeline. I thought that was a nice name. A little precious, but very pretty. I would have loved to be named something like that, as a kid. What do you think of Elora Evangeline?


I love them both but not together. The flow isn't quite right.
Beautiful! Less of a fan of Elora, but I love Evangeline, and together it's very fairytail-esque.
Very pretty, and fit for a princess.
Love Elora, not so fond of Evangeline. I don't like the alliteration of the two names together.
Not really a fan of Elora, which is surprising since I usually love names with el sounds. I’d prefer Flora Evangeline.
It’s very pretty, but not my taste.
Very pretty and romantic
Not bad, but I don't like the alliteration. I would have chosen a different first name, like Dahlia, Lyanna or Fallon. Elora and Evangeline are fine on their own.
I love Evangeline but I don't care for the alliteration of the combo.
It's not my style, but I definitely appreciate it! It oozes fairytale.
It's ok, I'd prefer Elena Evangeline or Laura Evangeline
I think it's pretty