[Games] Short Namebank CAF
DS:Audrey, Calliope, Caroline, Eleanor, Eliza, Elowen, Emilia, Felicity, Fiona, Grace, Gwendolyn, Hazel, Helena, Ivy, Juliana, Katherine, Lena, Maeve, Matilda, Naomi, Norah, Ophelia, Rose, Sophia, Stella, Thea, Vivian, WillaAlistair, Atticus, August, Calloway, Elias, Elliott, Graham, Griffin, Hawthorne, Hugo, Jack, Jasper, Landry, Levi, Linden, Lucas, Maxwell, Nico, Noah, Rafferty, Ronan, Rory, Rowan, Sloan, Somerled, Thomas
ETA: surname is your choice (if you want to use one)

This message was edited 8/28/2024, 9:50 AM

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DH(33): Elias Noah Atticus
DW(30): Ivy Vivian MaeveDD(6): Calliope WIlla Grace "Callie"
DS/DD(3): Hugo Ronan Thomas & Hazel Stella Rose
DS(10ms): Jasper Elias Jack
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DH: Jasper Graham Somerled
DW: Hazel Gwendolyn [Rose] SomerledDD: Naomi Felicity Somerled
DS/DD: Rory Maxwell Somerled / Eleanor Ophelia Somerled
DS: Atticus Hugo SomerledJasper and Hazel Somerled
Naomi, Rory & Eleanor, and Atticus
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DW: Fiona Audrey
DW: Sophia-Rose Katherine
DD: Norah Grace
DS/DD: August Linden / Emilia Hazel
DS: Jack Rowan
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DH: Hugo Ronan
DH: Thomas RaffereyDD: Norah Rose
DS/DD: Levi Griffin/Audrey Grace
DS: Noah Calloway
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DH: Linden Calloway Somerville
DW: Audrey Katherine BartlettDD: Hazel Gwendolyn Somerville
DS/DD: Jasper Atticus Somerville / Caroline Matilda Somerville
DS: Landry Graham Somerville
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Elliot Alistair ❤️ Calliope Rose
Elowen Ivy
Hawthorn Atticus “Thorne” & Ophelia Rose
Rafferty Griffin “Raff”Grace, the Great Dane [Elliot & Calliope || Elowen, Thorne & Ophelia, Raff || Grace]
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Thomas Somerled
Lena Katherine Willa Helena
Hugo Hawthorne and Thea Calliope
Ronan Jasper
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DH: Levi Maxwell Noah
DW: Elowen Matilda Rose DD: Ivy Lena Katherine
DS/DD: Jasper Elias Griffin / Hazel Audrey Maeve
DS: Rowan Jack Elliott
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DH: Rory Elliott Baker
DW: Sophia Rose Baker
DD: Juliana Eliza Baker
DS/DD: Elliott Rowan Baker/Helena "Lena" Caroline Baker
DS: Lucas Nico Baker
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DH: Nico Elias Ruiz Álvarez
DW: Gwendolyn Stella "Gwen" Oliver SmithDD: Juliana Grace Ruiz Oliver
DS/DD: Lucas Jack Ruiz Oliver / Vivian Rose "Vivi" Ruiz Oliver
DS: Thomas Maxwell Ruiz OliverNico & Gwen : Juliana, Lucas & Vivi, Thomas
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H: Jack August Hawthorne
W: Rose Eleanor [Linden] HawthorneD: Fiona Audrey Hawthorne
S/D: Noah Jasper Hawthorne / Eliza Gwendolyn Hawthorne
S: Hugo Atticus Hawthorne
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DH: Jack Elliot Rafferty
DW: Caroline Rose Hawthorne RaffertyDD: Eleanor Maeve Rafferty "Ellie"
DS/DD: Rowan August Rafferty / Vivian Matilda Rafferty "Vivi"
DS: Griffin Alistair Rafferty
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Thomas Alistair + Ophelia Caroline
— Matilda Naomi
— Landry Maxwell [twin]
— Thea Gwendolyn [twin]
— Rowan Rafferty
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DH: Jack Elliott
DW: Elowen GraceDD: Caroline Rose
DS/DD: Ronan August / Stella Katherine
DS: Maeve Norah
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DW: Helena Katherine Robson
DW: Sophia Caroline Robson nee Truman
DD: Matilda Grace Robson
DS/DD: Elias Jasper Robson / Ophelia Rose Robson
DS: August Linden RobsonHelena & Sophia
Matilda | Elias | Ophelia | August
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DH: Thomas Somerled McCoy
DW: Norah Katherine (Smithson) McCoyDD: Helena "Lena" Vivian McCoy
DS/DD: Ronan August & Stella Gwendolyn McCoy
DS: Jack Alistair McCoy
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DW: Elowen Naomi
DH: Nico AtticusDD: Audrey Matilda
DS/DD: August Maxwell/ Calliope Grace
DS: Calloway Jasper “Cal”Elowen & Nico: Audrey, August, Calliope, & Cal
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H: Hawthorne Atticus Elliott
W: Ivy Helena (Graham) ElliottD: Felicity Juliana Elliott
S/D: Calloway August "Cal" Elliott & Dorothea Matilda "Thea" Elliott
S: Rafferty Hugo "Rafe" Elliott
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