[Opinions] A Few Names From Work
Here are the names of a few children who came into my work today. All children were primary school age 4-11 years old. WDYT?BoysNathan
Roderick (Roddy)
KerryDon’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from


I like Nathan & Delilah.Hamish & Kathleen are okay.
None of the boys interest me. Jeanette & Kathleen would make great sibling names.
Hamish and Jeanette are most surprising to me. I don't like any of the names except Roderick (not nicknamed Roddy) and maybe Kath or Delilah.
Paris is a surprise. Tai is unfamiliar to me: what is his cultural background? The Roderick I knew as a child didn't have a nn at all. Nathan is bland. I've got an on-off reaction to Hamish; I'd like to like it, and I loved the presence some years ago of brothers named Hamish and James in the New Zealand cricket team - can't recall if they were twins. But I can't get over the idea of a dubious sandwich.Delilah is pleasant if you don't know her biblical story. Kerry is geographical, which I don't enjoy. Kathleen and Jeanette delight me with their vintage charm: like time travel to the 1940s.
I love Paris on a boy! Roderick, Kathleen, and Jeanette are very charming on kids.