[Opinions] Humble My Name Choices
I have TONS of names, and I need some of my combos to be humbled.
"It sounds like ___" or "It reminds me of ___"
Humble my name choices, I am begging you all.Female/Fem Names
Taraja Circe, Amaryllis Ingrid, Circe Leibel, Madeira Ouida,
Elodie Fayette, Alynah Grace, Elodie Briar, Ahava Kiera, Avaline Christine, Christi Vivette, Ysadora Emmalyne, Giselle Jillian, Leighanne Maura, Austria Yvette, Angie Mae, Margaux Rue, Sappho Rose, Gilda Ilo, Lenora Vivian, Matija Helene, Eileen Cassiopia, Enby/Neutral Names
Rowan Beau, Finnley Micha, Kit BlyMale/Masc Names
Irwin Aarti, Curtis Bohdi, Liam Jewiir, Sawyer Levi, Rohan Dexter, Sal Leon, Orion Ydris, Imanuel Sören, Emrys Roland,
Stellan Percy

This message was edited 9/2/2024, 5:37 AM


Ingrid ruins Amaryllis because unlike Amaryllis, it lacks beauty.
Elodie Briar, although pretty, would not suit a girl if she turned out to be a tomboy, or anything but polite and pleasant. The name sounds almost too sweet.
Avaline sounds made up even though it's not. Pairing two names ending in the same sound is unwise (-ine). Christine is better. The order Christine Avaline is slightly more tolerable.
Christi should be spelled Christie or Christy.
Emmalyne should be Emmeline or Emmaline.
Sappho looks like it should just be Sapphire. Otherwise, it's too close to sapphic (no judgement here). Even then, Sappho/Sapphire Rose sounds like the name of a gemstone fairy. That's not a bad thing, but it's odd.
Vivian Lenora flows much better.
Leighanne has too many letters. Leanne or Lianne makes more sense. Maura Leighanne flows better.
Austria and Yvette make no sense together. Austria sounds like a feminine form of Austin. Why not Austine or Austina?
Angie Mae is too cutesy, doesn't sound like a legal name. Why not Angelina "Angie" Mae?
I don't like Margo, but it's the only spelling that I would pick. Also, I think the middle name for Margo should have at least 2 syllables. Margo Elaine, Margo Francesca, Margo Elizabeth, etc.

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This message was edited 9/5/2024, 2:28 PM

I did a semi-proper roast. No insult intended if these names are dear to you, it's just for fun.Taraja Circe - Cirque du Taj Mahal? What?
Amaryllis Ingrid - a bunch of sounds no one wants to say together
Circe Leibel - Leibel sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen
Madeira Ouida - ouija board
Elodie Fayette - her nn could simply be Lafayette
Alynah Grace - will spend most her life spelling her fn
Elodie Briar - briars are thorny, Elodie is melodious - doesn't sounds great
Ahava Kiera - a name no one will remember how to pronounce or spell
Avaline Christine - Here at Avaline Christine Dream, we show YOU how to reach your dreams!
Christi Vivette - good drag queen name
Ysadora Emmalyne - confused about her goals
Giselle Jillian - Giji
Leighanne Maura - going nowhere
Austria Yvette - you need to be extremely wealthy to pull this one off
Angie Mae - inconsequential
Margaux Rue - some kind of French sauce
Sappho Rose - Axel Rose's great grand-kid
Gilda Ilo, Lenora Vivian, Matija Helene, Eileen Cassiopia - pile of yuck

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I have no words 💀
Taraja Circe - I've never heard Taraja but it sort of reminds me of Tarja Turunen. I like Circe and it looks good in this combo. I'd also like Tarja Circe.Amaryllis Ingrid - I like Amaryllis, but don't think Ingrid goes with it. Circe Leibel - Leibel is too much like the word label. I'd replace it with something like: Leilani, Lorelei, Leila, Leia, Lyra, Leida, Ligeia Madeira Ouida - Madeira is a pretty good place name actually, it sounds more namey than a lot of place names that get used as first names and it has a lot of nickname options like Maddy, Mira, Deira, Dede, etc. Ouida looks a lot better than it sounds. Ourania, Oona, Olympe?Elodie Fayette - Not my style but it's fine, very French or wannabe-FrenchAlynah Grace - Okay but Alynah is an awkward spelling. Nobody would know to use a y and a silent h. Alina Grace is a lot better. Maybe Alynna or Alinna if you meant the y to be pronounced like "ih", but I'd still prefer Alina.Elodie Briar - I love Briar but it doesn't go with Elodie. Elowen Briar, Enya Briar, Elana Briar, Elaina Briar, Elaine Briar, Anya Briar, Anwen Briar?

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This message was edited 9/2/2024, 9:41 PM

I feel very humbled, thank you 😭 /positive
I love Lenora Vivian, Angie Mae, and Leighanne Maura for girls! If I could mix-and-match combinations, I'd make Helene Maura, Jillian Madeira, and Ingrid Yvette. I enjoy the names Curtis, Irwin, Leon, Roland, Orion, Rohan, and Percy for boys, but I'm not a fan their pairings...sorry. As for the gender-neutral names, I find them all masculine, honestly. Rowan is neutral in my opinion (with more of a masculine leaning), but Beau is a boy name to me. The reason being, "beau" is a slang-term that means "boyfriend," where I am.

This message was edited 9/2/2024, 9:12 AM

Bro, why didn't you just out the list here? The mods will move or delete it now in the lounge. But here is what I like: - Amaryllis Ingrid
- Elodie Briar
- Avaline Christine
- Ahava Kiera (a little)
- Margaux Rue
- Lenora Viviane
- Sawyer Levi
- Rohan Dexter
- Stellan Percy The rest are a little too modern snd eccentric for my taste. Imo, Elodie Fayette would be a lot better as Elodie Faye BTW :)
I don't know where to reply. Do I reply here or to the name list?
here! The name list is down now, I have edited the post!

This message was edited 9/2/2024, 5:37 AM