[Opinions] Names that caught my eye 1860
I found a list for the top 200 most popular birth names in 1860. These are the ones that caught my eye, tell me what you think of them!
Horace (66)
Cornelius (69)
Charley (112)
Theophilus (130)
Sampson (134)
Humphrey (140)
Hedley (150)
Enos (152)
Robinson (157)
Septimus (157)
Adolphus (159)
Cuthbert (162)
Hezekiah (182)
Zachariah (182)
Hartley (194)
Jenkin (194)
Lancelot (194)
Valentine (198)
Thompson (200)Girls:
Catharine (47)
Selina (50)
Rosina (60)
Lavinia (63)
Rosetta (83)
Constance (84)
Phebe (96)
Thirza (100)
Rosannah (145)
Adah (148)
Hephzibah (157)
Jennet (157)
Zillah (163)
Gwenllian (171)
Leonora (171)
Tamar (171)
Tryphena (175)
Mahala (178)
Euphemia (192)
Annis (199)
Lucretia (199)
Thomasine (199)I don’t think I’ve been on the website the list is from before, so I cannot guarantee it’s reliability, but here’s the link to the complete list if anyone’s interested:


I love Annis and Jennet. I also like Lavinia, Tamar, and Rosannah.
Tryphena (or a spelling variant) makes my top 10 occasionally. I'd use it. I like Thirza a lot as well but not that spelling particularly. Lucretia, Euphemia, Gwenllian, Hephzibah, Septimus, Cornelius, Valentine would be interesting to see for a kid. I kind of like Leonora and Hezekiah but would be less surprised to see those.
Sampson Selina
I like:
Valentine (198)Phebe (96)
Leonora (171)
I love that site! She cites her sources, I believe. Sadly, I think she's abandoned it.These names are delicious. Constance is one of my favorite names, and if my scurrilous half-brother weren't named Valentine (after our dad, Valentino), I'd seriously consider using it on a child.
Glad to hear it seems reliable! Reliable naming websites always seem tricky to find.