[Opinions] Virginia "Ginny"
What about Virginia? Is it too old fashioned? Still usable?I like the nickname Ginny, what do you think?


Did you do this on purpose ? In Mysims a character got Virginia as a her name and Ginny as her surname (In French is Mélanie/Mel)https://mysims.fandom.com/wiki/Ginny
I’m Jessica Virginia, and Virginia is after my Nana. I’d never thought much of the name until recently and I’ve decided I like it quite a bit!
That's a really beautiful name you have there!
Virginia has been used long enough and consistently enough to be considered usable. I'm not really fond of the sound, though. My favorite nickname for it would be the guilty pleasure, Ginger. Ginny reminds me of Jenny, and I think Jenny is plain. Ginny looks like it's supposed to be more modern and fun than Jenny, but I don't think it is.
I work in long term care, and i've met so many Virginias nn Ginny. At one point we had three; each spelled Ginny differently.I really don't like it. It's so common in the facility. I've always found Virginia to be rigid and cold. I also find Ginny to be cutesy and insubstantial.What's interesting is that I have wonderful residents with the name. That often influences me and makes me like names more. Even with utterly delightful residents I still hate it

This message was edited 9/4/2024, 7:29 AM

It's my sister's name. She's in her 30s.I think it's fine for a baby.
I used to hate it, but now it is growing on me a tiny bit after knowing a woman named this. She was one of the few adults that looked out for me when everything was going on when I was a teenager (though she didn't know everything) she was a neighbor. Bless her. Love Ginny. Still love her.
I think Virginia is usable. It's "old fashioned" in a good way. I think Ginny is adorable.
I love Virginia! It's a classic. Ginny is adorable, though I'm partial to Ginger.
Beautiful, perfect, timeless, can't be beat! Tho, I've heard the nickname Vivi works too. ;) ;) ;)
Dated, but by no means unusable. It's more bearable than Gertrude or Phyllis. I really like it, it sounds pretty delicate and mature, and I would even use it. As for nicknames, Ginny is too cheesy and old-fashioned - I prefer Virgie, Nia and Vinnie.
I think of geography rather than virgins or a white spirit tasting of juniper, but if I never met another Virginia, I wouldn't mind a bit. The only one I know is a grandmother, a very nice person and, yes, known as Ginny.
Someone I follow on IG had a baby she named Ginny. I actually didn't care much about the name, until I saw it on a real baby. Then it suddenly became very retro and cute. I like it!
Definitely still usable. Ginny is nice though I prefer Nia

This message was edited 9/3/2024, 11:47 AM

Don't really like it at all too old fashioned and don't like Ginny either. Too close to virgin and vagina

This message was edited 9/3/2024, 11:54 AM

I like the nickname Ginny. I think Virginia is usable.