[Opinions] Kristella
Spotted this name on an academic recently. I thought it was very pretty and gave me lots of childhood nostalgia - a little excessively glittery in a Lisa Frank rainbow unicorn kind of way, but fun. What do you think of Kristella?


Seems too frilly and possibly like a brand.
It’s a bit too sparkly for me.
I like it, its delicate but not too much so.
In the 80s it would just have been a nice break from the endless Christine variants, I guess. Like an Evaletta today, maybe (instead of Evelyn, Avery, etc). Now it seems unique in an appealing way.I agree with guasguendi, it seems "sober and icy," not colorful or playful. I guess because it reminds me of Crystal (like German Kristall or Spanish cristal) more than it does of Kris- names meaning Christian.

This message was edited 9/5/2024, 1:51 AM

Kinda pretty actually. I’d use Kristella Jeanette.
To me, Kristella is not colourful and glittery, it's sober and icy, but I like it.
If I worked for a toy manufacturer and tasked with naming a group of little fairy dolls, I would definitely name one of them Kristella!
Nah. Christelle is OK, just, but Christella is already over the top, and changing the Ch to a K is the pits.
I like it. Reminds me of other editions to Ella/Bella (Estella, Arabella, etc.)
Don’t like it, sorry.
I don't hate it. I actually really like Lisa Frank's art, and she's had a huge influence on a lot of artists.Kristella *is* like unicorns and crystals and champagne & caviar dreams and good times...while trying to keep ties to a conversative past and waiting for Prince Charming to swoop in.
It's not my style, but I would have loved to encounter it in the wild—on an academic, no less!I prefer Christabel, which is a guilty pleasure.
I prefer Christabel too. Kristella was a surprising sight on an academic, because she was also European (from Finland I believe). It does feel like a very American kind of name.
European 'Kris-' is more serious looking than American 'Kris-' I think!
It's ok
It feels very fake and gaudy to me, like very obvious fake jewelry or very strong cheap perfume.
I think it's pretty.