[Games] Name some children from this list of fictional horses
Name at least 3 children from this list of fictional horses from Wikipedia. At least one boy and one girl, and the rest are your choice.
I have hyphenated names that are more than one word long. Achilles Acorn Albino Aldebaran Altair Amadeus Antares April-Love Argo Arizona-Pie Arondel Arroch Artax Arvak Asfaloth Athansor Bayard Beau Belle Beric Binky Black-Beauty Black-Gold Blaze Blessing Boxer Bree-Hee-Hinny-Brinny-Hoohy-Hah Broadway-Bill Bucephalus Butt-Stallion Cisco Cloud Cochise Condor Copper Cyril Diablo Dilu Dollar Domino Epona Flame Flicka Florian Frost Fru-Fru Fury Gabilan Ginger Glastrier Glue-Boy Grey Gulliver Gunpowder Hatatitla Henry Hero Hidalgo Hirnu Hortense Hwin Invincible James-Baxter Jim Joey Katy Khan Kholstomer Kipper Leroy Lightning Lil-Sebastian Lisette Lucy Lukas Majesty March-Malaen Mary-Lou Matsukaze Maximus Merrylegs Miramis Misty Molly Mortis Nana Napoleon Nightmare Opal Peachblossom Persephone Phantom Phillip Phillipe Pilgrim Pokey Ponycorn Racer Red-Hare Rigel Rih Ringo Roach Rochallor Rocinante Ruby Sabrina Samson Secret Shadowfax Shadowmere Sham Silver-Blaze Sir-Chess Smiler Smoky Sonny Sophie Sorrow Spark-Plug Spirit Sprout Stardust Stayer Stepper Steve Stormy Stranger Sylvester Talat Tempest Tencendur The-Phantom The-Pie Thowra Thunder Thunderhead Tolo Trigger Trotsky Troy Tsornin Tug Veillantif Whinney Whirlwind Wildfire Windfola Wings Zebstrika* trawling through name indexes and making lists of the interesting
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Sonny Wings
Cisco Silverblaze
Steve the Phantom
Joey Pilgrim
Misty Mary Lou
Opal SecretBayard Gabilan
Gulliver Cloud
Samson Arondel Domino Flame
Hero Peachblossom
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w/linksAchilles Acorn Albino Aldebaran Altair Amadeus Antares April-Love Argo Arizona-Pie Arondel Arroch Artax Arvak Asfaloth Athansor Bayard Beau Belle Beric Binky Black-Beauty Black-Gold Blaze Blessing Boxer Bree-Hee-Hinny-Brinny-Hoohy-Hah Broadway-Bill Bucephalus Butt-Stallion Cisco Cloud Cochise Condor Copper Cyril Diablo Dilu Dollar Domino Epona Flame Flicka Florian Frost Fru-Fru Fury Gabilan Ginger Glastrier Glue-Boy Grey Gulliver Gunpowder Hatatitla Henry Hero Hidalgo Hirnu Hortense Hwin Invincible James-Baxter Jim Joey Katy Khan Kholstomer Kipper Leroy Lightning Lil-Sebastian Lisette Lucy Lukas Majesty March-Malaen Mary-Lou Matsukaze Maximus Merrylegs Miramis Misty Molly Mortis Nana Napoleon Nightmare Opal Peachblossom Persephone Phantom Phillip Phillipe Pilgrim Pokey Ponycorn Racer Red-Hare Rigel Rih Ringo Roach Rochallor Rocinante Ruby Sabrina Samson Secret Shadowfax

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