[Opinions] Interesting sibling set
Angelo(m)It’s in age order, and I know the spellings. There was one more boy, but I forget his name.


I only like Angelo. The apostrophe in Ja’lil needs to go.
It seems pretty disjointed at first, like four different people picked the names. I love Avery on a boy, and Angelo is a cheesy favourite. Heaven isn't great, though I've started appreciating Heavenly as a major GP. Jalil is really lovely too, but the apostrophe doesn't do much for me.
I like Avery, Jalil (and Jaleel), but find the apostrophe very unnecessary. I really like Angelo. I am not fond of Heaven.
I really like Avery (for a boy) and Angelo.
Sorry don't like any. Closest would be Angela and Ava