[Games] Themes of Art (1)
ALLEGORY: A character, place or event used as a metaphor. Allegorical art often personifies moral, spiritual, or political concepts as people, and uses symbolic imagery to convey meaning
Choose your favourite allegory painting
1) A Tree in Late Autumn by Egon Schiele (1911)
2) Sound of Silence by Charles White, 1978
3) Allegory of the Catholic Faith by Johannes Vermeer (1670-1672)
4) I and the Village by Marc Chagall (1911)
5) Peaceable Kingdom by Edward Hicks (1830-1832)
6) Spring (La Primavera) by Romaine Brooks (1910 – 1913)
7) Self-Portrait on the Border Line Between Mexico and the United States by Frida Kahlo (1932)
8) Pity by William Blake (1795)
- feel free to change spellings (e.g. Lotti -> Lottie) 1) Torsten Siegfried Dennis Joseph Florentin Harald Kolman Augustine Walter Alexander Falk Maximilian [Jaeger, Wang, Bachman, Lafrenz, Wilder] & Bertha Elizabeth Lotti Caroline Marlene Liesel Anne Krimhilde Juliana Amalie Frauke Raffaela [Brantley, Roth, Fabel, Lewerenz, Kiefer] 2) James William Robert Thomas George Charles Henry Archibald Richard Duncan Angus Eric [Kelly, McNabb, Wallace, Thorburn, Douglas] & Mary Elizabeth Catherine Agnes Helen Jean Isabella Jane Sarah Christina Patricia Irene [McLain, Cameron, Acheson, Kerr, Rutherford]3) Frederick Elian Gerrit Hendrick Eduard Marvin Rens Albert Bowie Constant Gideon Kai [Aben, Roosevelt, Yancy, Waterman, Martens] & Olivia Franka Rosa Melissa Fleurette Annemarie Nova Esmee Anke Beatrix Hedy [Apeldoorn, Jonckers, Van Laar, Brand, Aldershof]4) Florent Bonaventure Leonel Jules Marceau Noah Christian Max Jean-Charles Rodrigue Louis Morgan [Durant, Archambault, Cloutier, Sergeant, Mason] & Marylène Ludivine Valentine Penelope Thea Clementine Marie-Rose Victoria Hortense Jessy Daphne Ines [Roussel, Page, Léon, Sartre, Vincent]5) Lawrence Benjamin Sam Alfred Jack Herbert Lewis Martin Claude Edgar Luther Clyde [Thompsett, Henryson, Ford, Garey, Devine] & Mamie Blanche Nettie Harriet Caroline Alma Georgia Eliza Amanda Belle Virginia Olive [Devine, Hollands, Stevenson, Blake, Paddon]6) Nestor Antoine Valérian Mathis Laurent Roger Ethan Nazaire Joseph Boris Casimir Judicaël [Travers, Bonheur, Monet, Dumas, Legrand] & Babette Rachel Gabrielle Lara Léonide Alexandra Marie-Madeleine Laëtitia Rose Aliénor Elise Camélia [Gagnier, Roche, Salomon, Maçon, St Pierre]7) Kenneth Stellan Julius Dag Casper Joel Halsten Gabriel Stefan Claes Magnus Bosse [Mikaelsson, Wallin, Sundberg, Holm, Lindbeck] & Dagny Sara Viveca Emelie Merit Lotta Hedwig Ruth Mimmi Astrid Cajsa Gabriella [Dahlberg, Claesson, Leonardsson, Martin, Wang] 8) Matthew Ryan James Connor Jordan Michael Christopher Jamie Dylan Caolan Niall Scott [Coleman, O’Brian, Whalen, Killough, McElligott] & Caitlin Danielle Erin Rachael Claire Gemma Rebekah Shauna Jade Bethany Hayley Bronagh [Grady, Cleary, Kennedy, Ó Meara, McBride]
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf
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DH : Alexander Joseph Jaeger
DW : Amalie Elizabeth (Roth) Jaeger
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DH: Roger Joseph Bonheur
DW: Rachel Lara Bonheur née Gagnier
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7) Self-Portrait on the Border Line Between Mexico and the United States by Frida Kahlo (1932)DH: Esteban Clayton Lindbeck
DW: Dagny Hedwig McBride

This message was edited 10/13/2024, 4:34 PM

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Casper Julius Gabriel Sundberg & Mimmi Lotta Dahlberg
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DH: Constant Albert Waterman
DW: Esmee Nova Waterman nee Brand
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The parents:
Casimir Valérian Dumas and Laëtitia Léonide Salomon
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DH: Morgan Bonaventure Archambault
DW: Ines Victoria [Roussel] Archambault
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DH: Casper Gabriel Lindbeck
DW: Astrid Ruth [Salomon] Lindbeck
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DH: Nestor Joseph Laurent Monet
DW: Laëtitia Camélia Aliénor (St Pierre) Monet
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DH: Casimir Valérian Dumas
DW: Rose Gabrielle Dumas (nee Roche)Casimir & Rose Dumas
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DH: Alexander Joseph Bachman 'Alex'
DW: Juliana Elizabeth (Fabel) Bachman 'Jules'
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DH: Mathis Nazaire Bonheur
DW: Aliénor Léonide [Maçon] BonheurMathis and Aliénor
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DH: Roger Casimir Legrand
DW: Rachel Alexandra (St Pierre) Legrand
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H: Dennis Augustine Lafrenz
W: Amalie Caroline Brantley
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H: Valérian Laurent Ethan Dumas
W: Rose Laëtitia St. Pierre RocheValérian (Val) & Rose.
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DH: Casper "CJ" Joel Sundberg [bisexual cis man; he/him]
DW: Merit Astrid Claesson [pansexual nonbinary; they/xe]
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DH: Kenneth Joel Wallin
DW: Sara Astrid {Leonardsson} Wallin
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The Bachman Family!The Bachman FamilyH: Dennis Alexander Bachman
W: Elizabeth Amalie Roth, "Liz"
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DH: Valérian Nestor Dumas
DW: Marie-Madeleine Gabrielle {St Pierre} Dumas
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H: Valérian Casimir Travers
W: Rose Léonide {St Pierre} Travers
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DH: Stefan Claes Lindbeck
DW: Cajsa Emelie Martin
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DH: Joel Magnus Sundberg
DW: Lotta Ruth Claesson Sundberg
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DH: Magnus Gabriel Lindbeck
DW: Gabriella Ruth {Claesson} Lindbeck
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DH: Max Louis Durant
DW: Penelope Victoria Page
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DH: Walter Florentin Bachman
DW: Caroline Marlene (Roth) Bachman
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DH: Benjamin Lewis Devine
DW: Alma Caroline (Hollands) Devine
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DH: Casimir Joseph Bonheur
DW: Laëtitia Rose Bonheur, née Maçon
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James Archibald Douglas & Irene Isabella Cameron Douglas
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Connor Christopher “Tripp” ❤️ Danielle Rachael “Elle” (née Ó Meara)[Tripp & Elle]

This message was edited 9/30/2024, 12:10 PM

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DH: Leonel Florent Max ArchambaultDW: Ines Victoria Clementine Roussel
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Yay!H: Nazaire Judicaël Bonheur
W: Laëtitia Léonide Maçon
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DH: Joseph Alexander Jaeger
DW: Lotti Anne Lewerenz Kiefer
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