[Games] Themes of Art (7)
previous round: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5545419⭐️
Grapes and other fruits. Symbolism of Grapes: Fertility and salvation are interconnected with the portrayal of grapes in art due to their symbolic link to the blood of Christ. Its association with the Roman god Bacchus also imbues it with the meaning of debauchery and drunkenness. Interesting article about the symbolism of fruit in art: https://www.markmitchellpaintings.com/blog/the-symbolism-of-fruit-in-art/
Choose your favourite painting featuring fruit
1) Pears and Grapes by Claude Monet (1880)
2) Fruit Dish on a Garden Chair by Paul Gauguin (circa 1890)
3) Large Still Life with Flowers and Fruit by Johann Georg Seitz
4) Green Watermelon and Yellow Melon with Fruit and Leafy Vines (19th Century) by American School
5) Quinces, Lemons, Pears, and Grapes by Vincent van Gogh (1887)
6) Fruit Displayed on a Stand by Gustav Caillebotte (1882)
7) A Large, Decorative Fruit Still Life by Gottfried Wilhelm Völcker (1836)
8) Flowers and Fruit by Georges Valmier (-1924)
-in no particular order- 1) PE(A), RS(A), ND(G) RA(P) ES(C) LA(U)
2) FR(U), IT(D), IS(H), ON(A), GA(R), DE(N)
3) LA(R), GE(S), TI(L), LI(F), EW(I), TH(F)
4) GR(E), EN(W), AT(E), RM(E), LO(N), AN(D)
5) QU(I), NC(E), SL(E), MO(N), SP(E) AR(S)
6) FR(U), IT(D), IS(P), LA(Y), ED(O), NA(S)
7) AL(A), RG(E), DE(C), OR(A), TI(V), EF(R)
8) FL(O), WE(R), SA(N), DF(R), UI(T), GE(O)
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf
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DH : Alexander Joseph Jaeger
DW : Amalie Elizabeth (Roth) Jaeger DD1 : Gabriela Sarah (Jaeger)
DD2 : Olivia Scarlett (Jaeger)
DD3 : Cecily Hazel (Jaeger)
DD4 & DS1 : Esmee Vivianne (Jaeger) & Beau Laurie Jaeger
DS2 : Hudson Reid Jaeger **
DD1 : Gabriela Sarah (Jaeger) Iverson
DH : Quinn Ulysses Iverson
DH :**
DD2 : Olivia Scarlett Jaeger-Elliott
DW : Sasha Louisa Jaeger-Elliott**
DD3 : Cecily Hazel (Jaeger) Edwards
DH : Nicky Thomas Edwards **
DD4: Esmee Vivianne (Jaeger) Schilling
DH : Alexander Robert Schilling **
DS1 : Beau Laurie Jaeger
DW : Sophie Parisa (Elson) Jaeger **
DS2 : Hudson Reid Jaeger-Nichols
DH : Michael Owen Jaeger-Nichols
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DH: Roger Joseph Bonheur
DW: Rachel Lara Bonheur née GagnierDD1: Ruth Riko Bonheur
DD2: Rosamund Bao Bonheur
DS1: Robert Leo Bonheur
DD3/DS2: Renate Desiree Bonheur & Emil Zane Bonheur
DD4: Mayu Aurore Bonheur***
DD1: Ruth Riko Ughi née Bonheur
DH: Fedelmid Rory Ughi***
DD2: Rosamund Bao Dumbledore née Bonheur
DH: Iacopo Thelonius Dumbledore***
DS1: Robert Leo Bonheur
DW: Itumeleng Steinunn Bonheur née Parra***
DD3: Renate Desiree Yu née Bonheur
DH: Luiz Azazias Yu***
DS2: Emil Zane Bonheur
DW: Emanuela Dye Bonheur née Olander***
DD4: Mayu Aurore Svendsen née Bonheur
DH: Najib Amaruq Svendsen
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DH: Morgan Bonaventure Archambault
DW: Ines Victoria [Roussel] ArchambaultDD: Ingrid Veronika [Archambault] Ewert
-DH: Galen Roderick EwertDD: Flora Maurelle [Archambault] Waterford
-DH: Ensley Nicholas WaterfordDS: Marcel Edgar Archambault
-DW: Abigail Therese [Eskew] ArchambaultDD (twin): Agnes Arcadia [Archambault Endicott
-DH: Robert Merlin "Robin" EndicottDS (twin): Armand Frederick Archambault
-DW: Lia Olivia [Nunez] ArchambaultDD: Phaedra Calliope [Archambault] Deffenbaugh
-DH: Andre Noel Deffenbaugh
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DH: Benjamin Lewis Devine
DW: Alma Caroline (Hollands) Devine
DD: Maarika Viiva (Devine) Unger
-DH: Felix Rudolf Unger
DS: Nirmal Ulrich Devine
-DW: Isabella Teodora (D'Onofrio) Devine
DS: Sargis Gagik Devine
-DW: Irena Stefania (Pawlowska) Devine
DS: Rey Apollo Devine
-DW: Lacey Anne (Young) Devine
DD: Cynthia Tracy (Devine) Olsson
-DH: Edvard Dagfinn Olsson
DS: Leonard Victor Devine
-DW: Natalie Alexandra (Saylor) Devine
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DH: Nestor Joseph Laurent Monet
DW: Laëtitia Camélia Aliénor (St Pierre) Monet
DD1: "Nida" Iris-Nida Beatrix (Monet) Devereux
--DH: Irwin Theodoric Devereux
DS1: "Cyprian" Pompey-Cyprian Bonaventure Monet
--DW: Frida Rosemary (Underwood) Monet
DD2: "Minette" Jadis Mildred Wilhelmina Monet
--DBF: Leviathan Ansfried (Yoxall) Monet
DD3:"Desiree" Desiree Vivianne-Damaris Monet
--DW: Ingrid Sybilline Planque
DS2: "Otto" Otto-Sylvestre Eustace Monet
--DH: Norbert Aemilian Sartre
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Casimir Valérian Dumas
Laëtitia Léonide SalomonSabine Alexandra m. Quincy Ulysses Ingram
Piero Ettore m. Nathalie Cecile Engel
Ilse Ilmatar m. Sandro Leone Eriksson
Anouk Perpetua m. Manon Odile Neveaux
Victor Gabriel m. Saskia Petronille Écuyer
Raffael Augustin m. Ambrose Ruben Salvador
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DH: Constant Albert Waterman
DW: Esmee Nova Waterman nee BrandDD: Dominika Zinaida Waterman
- DH: Lucius Andreas Richman
DD: Clotilda Rosalina Waterman
- DH: Gideon Easton Speer
DD: Aurelia Theodora Waterman
- DH: Thomas Ilias Lancaster
DD(twin): Iolanda Raffaella Waterman
- DH: Lysander Indiana Freight
DS(twin): Lorenzo Reuben Waterman
- DW: Evelynna Wiwianna Islington
DS: Peregrine Korbinian Waterman
- DW: Theophanu Helena Fisher
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DH: Casimir Valérian Dumas
DW: Rose Gabrielle Dumas (nee Roche)DS: Luca Fang Dumas
-DW: Lara Alexis Dumas (nee Robertson)DS: Oliver Joshua Sterling-Dumas
-DH: Goraidh Evander Sterling-DumasDD: Maisie Sawyer Lynwood (nee Dumas)
-DH: Thornton Israel LynwoodDD (twin): Daphne Eniola Ferro-Dumas
-DW: Lucrecia Irene Ferro-DumasDD (twin): Riley Marigold İlyas (nee Dumas)
-DH: Esen William İlyasDD: Jemima Samira Fujita-Dumas
--DW: Toshiko Hailey Fujita-DumasCasimir & Rose Dumas: Luca, Oliver, Maisie, Daphne, Riley, & Jemima
Luca & Lara Dumas
Oliver & Goraidh Sterling-Dumas
Maisie & Thornton Lynwood
Daphne & Lucrecia Ferro-Dumas
Riley & Esen İlyas
Jemima & Toshiko Fujita-Dumas
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DH: Mathis Nazaire Bonheur
DW: Aliénor Léonide [Maçon] BonheurDS: Victor René Mathis
- DW: Geneviève Romée [Ecru] MathisDS: Nostradamus Wesleyan-Mathis
- DP: Emerson Noor Wesleyan-MathisDD: Sylvie Estelle [Mathis] Emmett
- DH: Alexander Theodore EmmettDS: André Xavier Mathis (Iris' twin)
- DW: Rachel Mariah [East] MathisDD: Iris Camille [Mathis] Nassar (André's twin)
- DH: Lee Oscar NassarDS: Bastien Robert Mathis
- DW: Ava Noreen [Duponte] MathisMathis and Aliénor with Victor, Nostradamus, Sylvie, André, Iris, and Bastien
= Victor and Geneviève
- Nostradamus and Emerson
- Sylvie and Alexander
- André and Rachel
- Iris and Lee
- Bastien and Ava
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DH: Casper Gabriel Lindbeck
DW: Astrid Ruth [Salomon] LindbeckDD: Rosa Carmen Lindbeck
DD: Marina Fern Lindbeck
DD: Willow Maeve Lindbeck
DS/DD: Austin Wolf Lindbeck / Verity Sabina Lindbeck
DS: Caleb Ephraim LindbeckCas and Astrid Lindbeck
Rosa, Marina, Willow, Austin & Verity, and Caleb

~~~DD: Rosa Carmen [Lindbeck] Rossi
DH: Leonardo Angelo RossiRosa and Leo Rossi~~~DD: Marina Fern [Lindbeck] Spright
DH: Graham Edgar Spright~~~DD: Willow Maeve Lopez-Lindbeck
DW: Teresa Ingrid Lopez-LindbeckWillow and Tessa Lopez-Lindbeck~~~DS: Austin Wolf Lindbeck
DW: Layla Ilana [Friedman] LindbeckAustin and Layla Lindbeck~~~DD: Verity Sabina [Lindbeck] Indigo
DH: Everett William Indigo~~~
DS: Caleb Ephraim Fox-Lindbeck
DH: Theodore Hadrian Fox-LindbeckCaleb and Theo Fox-Lindbeck
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DH: Joel Magnus Sundberg
DW: Lotta Ruth Claesson SundbergDS: Leo Alexander Sundberg
DD: Elina Saga Sundberg
DD: Sylvia Katharina Sundberg
DD/DS: Olivia Camilla Sundberg / Emil Roman Sundberg
DD: Alicia Sabina Sundberg--
DS: Leo Alexander Sundberg
DW: Piper Elizabeth Atkinson Sundberg--
DD: Elina Saga Sundberg Adams
DH: Ryan Scott Adams--
DD: Sylvia Katharina Sundberg Gilles
DH: Nico Daniel Gilles--
DD: Olivia Camilla Sundberg Power
DH: Ronan Aidan Power--
DS: Emil Roman Sundberg
DW: Eva Sophia Copley Sundberg--
DD: Alicia Sabina Sundberg Urban
DH: Lucas Andrew Urban
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DH: Max Louis Durant
DW: Penelope Victoria PageDS: Felix Thomas Durant
DW: Gabriela Roxana EstévezDD: Antoinette Persephone Durant
DH: Edmund Nathaniel "Eddie" WuDD: Juniper Freya Durant
DH: Alberto Teodoro EquiziDS: Leonidas Tecumseh Durant
DW: Ruby Madeleine EagleDD: Anna Marie Durant
DH: Lysandros Omeros NikolaidisDS: Julian Abraham Durant
DW: Arlette Narcisse Dumont
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DH: Joseph Alexander Jaeger
DW: Lotti Anne Lewerenz Kiefer
DS1: Alessandro Joseph Jaeger Lewerenz
DD1: Immaculada Charlotta "Imma" Jaeger Lewerenz
DS2: Eduardo Jack Jaeger Lewerenz
DD2/DD3: Victoria Hope Jaeger Lewerenz / Chiara Joy Jaeger Lewerenz
DS3: Arnau Martin Jaeger Lewerenz
DS1: Alessandro Joseph Jaeger Lewerenz
-DW: Róisín Gráinne Ennis
DD1: Immaculada Charlotta "Imma" Jaeger Lewerenz
-DH: Aurélien Loïc Andrieux
DS2: Eduardo Jack Jaeger Lewerenz
-DW: Ditte Emilie Claes
DD2: Victoria Hope Jaeger Lewerenz |Twin
-DH: Tòmas Ignasi Víctor
DD3: Chiara Joy Jaeger Lewerenz |Twin
-DW: Estel Freja Ramon
DS3: Arnau Martin Jaeger Lewerenz
-DH: Oriol Ramon Andreu
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DH: Kenneth Joel Wallin
DW: Sara Astrid {Leonardsson} Wallin
DD: Iris Ursula {Wallin} Fenton
DH: Todd Howard FentonDD: Lavinia Theresa Wallin
DW: Esther Wafiya IsmailDD: Regina Edith {Wallin} Floyd
DH: Lance Idris FloydDS: Parker Bradley Wallin (twin)
DW: Lindsay Aileen {Rattray} WallinDS: Chase Gordon Wallin (twin)
DW: Tabitha Imelda {Locatelli} WallinDD: Aurora Vesper {Wallin} Swanson
DH: Glenn Ephraim Swanson
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DH: Casimir Joseph Bonheur
DW: Laëtitia Rose Bonheur, née MaçonDS: Matthias Victor Bonheur
DD: Roxana Julienne Bonheur
DS: Gabriel Louis Bonheur
DD: Damaris Manon Bonheur | Twin
DD: Serena Margot Bonheur | Twin
DD: Philomèle Iris Bonheur~~~~~~~~~~DS: Matthias Victor Bonheur
DW: Avril Loanne Arquette-Bonheur, née Arquette~~~~~DD: Roxana Julienne Elwes, née Bonheur
DH: Robert Gerard "Robin" Elwes~~~~~DS: Gabriel Louis Bonheur
DW: Davia Emmeline Bonheur, née Couch~~~~~DD: Damaris Manon Andreani, née Bonheur | Twin
DH: Oliviero Rosangelo Andreani~~~~~DD: Serena Margot Bonheur | Twin
SO: Timoléon Ignace "Timo" Voclain~~~~~DD: Philomèle Iris Bonheur
SO: Emory Flynn Royston
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The Bachman Family!The Bachman FamilyH: Dennis Alexander Bachman
W: Elizabeth Amalie Roth, "Liz"D1: Arista Victoria Bachman-Ozols
S1: Valerian Tycho Bachman, "Val"
S2: Thaddeus Roderick Bachman, "Thad"
S3 / S4: Robin Dexter Bachman, "Rob" / Dominic Miles Bachman, "Dom"
D2: Mayu Aurora (Bachman) Orlova
______D1: Arista
H: Fabian Laurence Ozols
______S1: Val
W: Willow Evangeline (Rollins) Bachman
______S2: Thad
W: Sandrine Antonia (Noyer) Bachman
______S3: Rob
W: Deirdre Felicia (Ramos) Bachman
______S4: Dom
W: Usha Indira (Tamboli) Bachman
______D2: Mayu
H: Georgiy Evgeniyevich Orlov
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DH: Valérian Nestor Dumas
DW: Marie-Madeleine Gabrielle {St Pierre} DumasDS: Luca Antonín Dumas
- DW: Astrid Lotte {Akselsen} DumasDD: Almira Joséphine {Dumas} Estevas
- DH: Rufino Guálter EstevasDD: Stella Florence {Dumas} Caulfield
- DH: Doran Eugene CaulfieldDD: Sylvia Vivianne {Dumas} Archer [twin]
- DH: Oscar Regan ArcherDS: Mateo François Dumas [twin]
- DW: Theda Isabelle {Victors} DumasDS: Hugo Sebastian Dumas
- DW: Edvige Filomena {Roncalli} Dumas
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DH: Stefan Claes Lindbeck
DW: Cajsa Emelie MartinDD: Clementia Nova "Clemmie" Lindbeck
DS: Mattis Norbert "Mats" Lindbeck
DD: Henrietta Belle "Etta" Lindbeck
DS/DS: Willem Julian "Will" & Alfred Martin "Alf" Lindbeck
DD: Melba Jayne "Mel" Lindbeck***
DD1: Clementia Nova "Clemmie" Lindbeck
DH: Neil Christopher Erikson***
DS1: Mattis Norbert "Mats" Lindbeck
DW: Sonia Paloma Esteves***
DD2: Henrietta Belle "Etta" Lindbeck
DH: Mitchell Okafor Ndawanah***
DS2: Willem Julian "Will" Lindbeck
DW: Sylvie Louise Écuyer***
DS3: Alfred Martin "Alf" Lindbeck
DH: Quentin Ulrik Ivorssen***
DD3: Melba Jayne "Mel" Lindbeck
DH: Anson Raleigh Sharples
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H: Valérian Laurent Ethan Dumas
W: Rose Laëtitia St. Pierre RocheD: Sabine Leonora Ester St. Pierre Roche
S: Morgan William Solomon Crispin Dumas
S: Leopold Amadeus John Rupert Dumas
D/S: Sylvia Esmee Perpetua St. Pierre Roche & Miles Pascal William Theseus Dumas
S: Henry Edmund Marius Oliver DumasValérian (Val) & Rose; Sabine, Morgan, Leopold, Sylvia, Miles, and Henry.*D: Sabine Leonora Ester St. Pierre Roche
H: Samuel Peter EdwardsSabine & Samuel (Sam).**S: Morgan William Solomon Crispin Dumas
W: Nicolette Cynthia EggenMorgan & Nicolette (Colette).***S: Leopold Amadeus John Rupert Dumas
W: Scarlett Lucille ErdmannLeopold (Leo) & Scarlett.


D: Sylvia Esmee Perpetua St. Pierre Roche
-H: Augustus Riordan SandersonSylvia & Augustus (Gus).*****S: Miles Pascal William Theseus Dumas
-H: Quentin Ulysses IsaacsonMiles & Quentin. ******S: Henry Edmund Marius Oliver Dumas
W: Mary Olivia NormanHenry & Mary.
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DH: Casper "CJ" Joel Sundberg [bisexual cis man; he/him]
DW: Merit Astrid Claesson [pansexual nonbinary; they/xe]DD: Caprina "Rina" Naenia Claesson [traditional birth; bisexual cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Irving Thierry Dankrupf [straight cis man; he/him[DC: Avicenna "Avi" Juvenal Ulrikke-Sundberg [adoption; nonbinary demisexual gay man; they/he]
-DH: Ferdinand "Ferris" Raoul Ulrikke-Sundberg [gay cis man; he/him]DD: McKinley "Mac" Ora [Claesson] Claesmundburg [adoption; butch cis lesbian; she/her, occasionally he/him for the vibes]
-DW: Elowen "Ella" Dorothy [Omundburg] Claesmundburg [bisexual cis woman; she/her] DD: Perpetua "Pepper" Vivianne [Claesson] Porphiry [twin; surrogacy; straight cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Isaac "Zach" Simon Porphiry [straight cis man; he/him] DS: Elias "Eli" Orestes Sundberg [twin; surrogacy; straight cis man; he/him]
-DW: Luciana "Lula" Amber [Yu] Sundberg [straight cis woman; she/her] DD: Eurydice "Riddy" Theano [Claesson] Schoepwuerth [adoption; straight cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Nicholas "Nico" Alexander Schoepwuerth [straight trans man; he/him]
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DH: Roger Casimir Legrand
DW: Rachel Alexandra (St Pierre) LegrandDD: Iris Hope (Legrand) Robinson
DH: Liam Arlo Robinson DD: Luna Maeve (Legrand) Sheridan
DH: Grant Edward Sheridan DD: Echo Regina (Legrand) Lowe
DH: Timothy Ira LoweDS: Troy Miles Legrand
DW: Leona Irene (Fletcher) Legrand DD: Lori Jane Legrand
DH: Ellison Wilder IngramDS: Noel Robert Legrand
DW: Tatiana Helene (Forester) Legrand
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H: Valérian Casimir Travers
W: Rose Léonide {St Pierre} TraversD: Zinaida Sabīne
D: Persephone Roxana
D: Morgana Luna
D/S: Sylviana Daphne / Ignacio Bartolomeo
S: Aquila Peregrine***D: Zinaida Sabīne {Travers} Papadopoulos
-H: Isidore Solomon Papadopoulos***D: Persephone Roxana {Travers} Otxoa
-H: Eliseo Daniel Otxoa***D: Morgana Luna {Travers} Stark
-H: Nicodemus Absalom Stark***D[twin]: Sylviana Daphne {Travers} Ybarra
-H: Lázaro Avner Ybarra***S[twin]: Ignacio Bartolomeo Travers
-W: Fabiola Renata {Urbina} Travers***S: Aquila Peregrine Travers
-W: Ilithyia Talia {D'Ambrosio} Travers
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DH: Alexander Joseph Bachman 'Alex'
DW: Juliana Elizabeth (Fabel) Bachman 'Jules'*DS: Duncan Michael Bachman
DW: Farrah Lucille (Olson) Bachman*
DD: Kaia Daphne (Bachman) Richardson
DH: William Edward Richardson 'Will'*
DD: Luna Rose (Bachman) Neeman
DH: Samuel Aaron Neeman 'Sam' *
DD: Rowan Maria (Bachman) Riel (twin to Xavier)
DH: Declan Frederick Riel *
DS: Xavier Otto Bachman (twin to Rowan)
DW: Uma Isabelle (Thomas) Bachman*
DD: Thalia Phoebe (Bachman) Overton
DH: Gabriel Ethan Overton 'Gabe'
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DH: Magnus Gabriel Lindbeck
DW: Gabriella Ruth {Claesson} LindbeckDS: Jack Theodor Lindbeck
— DW: Daphne Elora {Christianson} LindbeckDD: Elina Scarlet {Lindbeck} Reynolds
— DH: Eamon Francis ReynoldsDD: Maria Susanna Lindbeck
— DW: Alessandra Lourdes Antonelli DS: Kevin Erik Lindbeck [twin]
— DW: Rebecca Grace {Ellis} LindbeckDS: Malcolm Emil Lindbeck [twin]
— DH: Oskar Raphael Ackermann
DS: Jonah Martin Lindbeck
— DW: Taline Ishkhanuhi Vartanian
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H: Dennis Augustine Lafrenz
W: Amalie Caroline BrantleyS: Victor Antonin Lafrenz
- W: Suvi Lucille EnckellD: Kateri Winefride Lafrenz
- H: Quentin Ulysses Ives D: Daphne Eulalia Lafrenz
- W: Margarita Ofelia NavarreteD (twin): Esmée Vivianne Lafrenz
- H: Stephen Philippe Endicott D (twin): Dorothy Frances Lafrenz
- H: Adrien Roscoe SolheimS: Wolfram Vasco Lafrenz
- W: Nadya Claudette Eichelman
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H: Nazaire Judicaël Bonheur
W: Laëtitia Léonide MaçonD: Leonora Carlotta Bonheur
-H: Louis Alfred Rayner S: Marcel Francesco Bonheur
-W: Ginevra Edith Sacerdoti D: Hilda Euphrosyne Bonheur
-W: Theano Iris Leventis D: Sylvia Perpetua Bonheur {twin}
-H: Leopold Isaac Frankenthaler D: Mavis Alethea Bonheur {twin}
-H: Eliot Waldo Iverson D: Ianthe Ligeia Bonheur
-H: Taher Hamid Fotouhi
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DH: Walter Florentin Bachman
DW: Caroline Marlene (Roth) BachmanDD: Leonora Zinaida (Bachman) Atkins
-DH: Phineas Edgar AtkinsDD: Marina Iolanthe (Bachman) Antonov
-DH: Roman Sergeievich AntonovDD: Agatha Julien (Bachman) Goldstein
-DH: Noah Daniel GoldsteinDS: Xavier Albertus Bachman [twin to Rufus]
-DW: Rhiannon Ada (Perkins) BachmanDS: Rufus Sebastien Bachman [twin to Xavier]
-DW: Esmeralda Sofia (Carreira) BachmanDS: August Flemming Bachman
-DW: Lovisa Astrid (Ulriksson) Bachman
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Connor Christopher “Tripp” ❤️ Danielle Rachael “Elle” (née Ó Meara)
Duncan Leander
Grace Calista
Wolf Aurelius
Lysander Charles & Hope Valkyrie
Christopher-George Rune “Kit”[Tripp & Elle || Duncan, Grace, Wolf, Lysander & Hope, Kit]
Duncan Leander ❤️ Faith Rosabel (née Upton) [Duncan & Faith]
Grace Calista ❤️ Isaiah Thomas [Grace & Isaiah]
Wolf Aurelius ❤️ Imperia Symphony (née Payne)[Wolf & Imperia]
Lysander Charles ❤️ Lincoln Anne (née Yarrow) [Lysander & Lincoln]
Hope Valkyrie ❤️ Elliot Damon [Hope & Elliot]
Christopher-George* Rune “Kit” ❤️ Neleah Ava “Nellie” (née Smithee)[Kit & Nellie]
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