[Opinions] Naming Objects
What strange or random things have you named? Maybe your car, airfryer or maybe an animal shaped spoon?
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf


Every car I've owned has been named after a color, but not the color that the car is, because that would be too normal, I guess. My first car was an orange-ish gold that I named Ruby; my next car was blue and named Esmeralda, and my current car is beige and named Violet. I also have a yard penguin. I'm not sure what it was originally supposed to be. Maybe a Christmas decoration, but it is about 2-and-a-half-foot tall penguin statue that is named Fitzgerald. I dress him up for holidays like some people do with geese on their porches and it amuses the old man next door. I have a little duck on a swing that hangs from my rearview mirror in my car named Dorcas and a T-rex post-it note holder named Thesaurus "Theo."
Amazingly, I have never been very good at this. I remember trying to come up with a name for my bike when I was a kid, and I just couldn't do it, nothing stuck. I also once tried to name one of my phones, but it was just always "my phone". I'm not a thing-namer.I do name some of my plants, though. Right now I have Felipe, Cupcake, Baby, (The New) Guy, Elizardbeth, and Pancho. Usually I name plants when I have more than one of the same thing, or if the word for the plant is too long.
A ceramic pot named Tondolina (the little round one). A suitcase Blue Submarine ( you’ve guessed it “she” was blue). A pink laptop was Pink Martini. Current laptop is Mackie. It’s obviously not a PC. There are probably more.
My 2 old VAIO laptopsValaria Andromeda Io Ourania
Valaria Andromeda Io Odyssey
One car was Nellie Belle (it was an old jalopy) and another was Hank The Tank (an old gas guzzling Landrover).
Only one of our cars has ever had a name that stuck. We drove an elderly yellow Mazda for years, and when we really needed a second car we got a sleek Mazda hatch in a darker yellow which looked very smart by comparison. So, since 'larney' is slang for, among other things, posh, suave, prosperous, it became known as 'Cyprus Airport' because it was a larney car.
I have a tiny cape fox figurine that I named Balto and a tiny salamander figurine that I named Manfed (salaMANder -> Manfred). I also have a few soft animals but strangely none have a name.
As a teenager I named my bike... I called it Isaiah. I've also named most of my plants.