[Opinions] Vericaonice (f)
A friend of mine ran into this name at his workplace. He knows I like names, so he told me about it, but I'm not really sure what to make of it. Unfortunately, he didn't hear it said, so he doesn't know the pronunciation. What do y'all think?I also can't 100% claim that I heard him spell it out correctly, or that he remembered it correctly.

This message was edited 10/10/2024, 2:38 PM


What a mouthful
Looks like someone got their elbow jostled while they were trying to type/write Veronica.
This message board post is literally the only Google search result for the name. I would say it like "vair-uh-kuh-uh-nees". Like Verica and Anice together. It's kind of pretty but feels too long.I would guess that the name tag just had a typo, to be perfectly honest. Maybe it was supposed to Veronice, which would also have been pretty. Veronicanice? Veronica-Anice, but the hyphen was left out?

This message was edited 10/10/2024, 3:38 PM

I'm pretty sure Verica is pronounced ver-ITZ-uh.
Don't really like it