[Opinions] about Muhammad
Is it just me or do I not see the problem with the name Muhammad (and its variants) for a child? Sure, it’s extremely popular, but to me it sounds completely normal and the meaning is also nice. I’d like to hear other people’s thoughts on this.simran


I think it’s okay to use if you are Muslim. The name is too associated with the religion to be used by non-Muslims in my opinion. If you like the name you could use a variant such as Mehmed or Ahmad.
I wouldn't use it if you aren't muslim
Every Muhammad (various spellings apply here) I went to school with went by Mo at one point. I think it's a handsome name.
I don’t see a problem with it. However, I wouldn’t suggest a non-Muslim using it. The exception I would say is if they are honoring a friend named Muhammad, then maybe it could be a middle name.
I'm not sure what you mean by "the problem", what is the problem you mean?
I mean that if you look at the comments in the name Muhammad then you will see people condemning using the name.
Oh gosh, you can't take those comments seriously.The people who leave comments on names are generally not the same people who use the forums here. The comment section seems to attract a lot of rude people from the internet. Of course there's nothing wrong with the name Muhammad.
I'd disapprove if non-Moslems used it as a name just because they liked it. Or for any other reason, actually. I have no problem with it and never have had: nor do I object to Spanish-speakers using Jesus. I wouldn't use either, obviously, but so what?