[Opinions] Tarja
This is the Finnish form of Daria. I have to say I'm not a fan of many Finnish forms of names, but this one is quite bold, dark and magical. My first association is Finnish singer Tarja Turunen, so it also has a harmonious vibe.What do you think of Tarja? Give me some combos!Tarja Astrid
Tarja Beatrix
Tarja Delilah
Tarja Eleanor
Tarja Felicity
Tarja Guinevere
Tarja Iseult
Tarja Lenore
Tarja Lilith
Tarja Madeleine
Tarja Nemesis
Tarja Primrose
Tarja Sappho
Tarja Selene
Tarja Vivian

“Dear optimist, pessimist, and realist – while you guys were busy arguing about the glass of wine, I drank it! Sincerely, the opportunist!”-Lori Greiner
Rate my PNLs: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/215535/145665


I am not familiar with this name, but I like it!
It reminds me of two names I'm currently pondering - Taisa and Taisiya. Taissa Farmiga is an actress in the American Horror Story series.Of your combos, I like:Tarja Beatrix
Tarja Felicity
Tarja Guinevere
Tarja Madeleine
Tarja Nemesis
Tarja Selene
Tarja VivianMore options, inspired by "bold, dark and magical"Tarja Adair
Tarja Amadea
Tarja Anastasia
Tarja Ceres
Tarja Demetra
Tarja Eris
Tarja Eustacia
Tarja Annikki
Tarja Aloisia
Tarja Belphoebe
Tarja Blodwen
Tarja Casimira
Tarja Ceridwen
Tarja Danae
Tarja Hekate
Tarja Inanna
Tarja Kallirrhoe
Tarja Khadija
Tarja Kore

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This message was edited 10/17/2024, 5:26 AM

I adore Taïssa and Taisiya.I like:Tarja Adair
Tarja Amadea
Tarja Anastasia
Tarja Ceres
Tarja Demetra
Tarja Eris
Tarja Belphoebe
Tarja Casimira
Tarja Ceridwen
Tarja Danae
Tarja Hekate
Tarja Inanna
Tarja Kore
Tarja Ludovica
Tarja Nyx
Tarja Psyche
Tarja Rhosyn
Tarja Taisiya
Nice combos!I like:Tarja Violet
Tarja Hypatia
Tarja Winter
Tarja Victoria
Tarja Dianora
Tarja Astraea
Tarja Cassiopeia
Tarja Faustine
Tarja Calixta
Tarja Niobe
Tarja Octavia
Tarja Solveig
Tarja Circe
Tarja Dionysia
Tarja Lysandra
Tarja Morgana
Tarja Morgaine
Tarja Gwendoline
Tarja Sylvaine
Tarja Odille
Tarja Undine
Tarja Opal
Tarja Xanthippe
Tarja Christabel
Tarja Lachesis
Tarja Zaynab
Tarja Zenaide
Tarja Lydian
Tarja Raven
Tarja Ravenna
Tarja Eirwen
Tarja Viviana
Tarja Leilani
Tarja Seraphine
Tarja Nadine
Tarja Lorelei
Tarja Zephyrine
Tarja Melisande
Tarja Celeste
Tarja Jade
I love Tarja! It makes me think of peppermint for some reason. My Finnish-variant-of-a-saint's-name of choice is Kerttu (Gertrude).Tarja Sappho is divine. I also love Tarja Beatrix, Tarja Lilith, and Tarja Madeleine.My turn!Tarja Winifred
Tarja Millicent/Melisande
Tarja Melusine
Tarja Xanthe
Tarja Clarice/Clarisse
Tarja Clementine
Tarja Delphine
Tarja Imogen
Tarja Clotilde
Tarja Fabienne
Tarja Venetia
Tarja Cecily
Tarja Celestine
Tarja Capucine
Tarja Violette
I like Gertrude, but Kerttu is interesting. It doesn't feel dated at all. If I had to choose the Finnish name of a saint it would be Justus, which isn't exclusively Finnish but sounds very handsome. :PCombos I like:Tarja Winifred
Tarja Millicent
Tarja Melusine
Tarja Xanthe
Tarja Clementine
Tarja Imogen
Tarja Venetia
Tarja Cecily
Tarja Celestine
Tarja Capucine
Tarja Violette