[Opinions] Derry Girls full names and siblings
These are the first and middle names of the main characters in Derry Girls, as well as the names of any siblings (according to the fandom wiki).
Erin Josephine (sibling : Anna)
Orla Josephine
Clare Clare (yes it was listed as her middle name too)
Michelle Louisa Patricia Pio (sibling : Niall)
James Z
Erin and Orla are cousins, as are James and Michelle. What do you think?


I wonder if the intention was that cousins Erin and Orla were both named after their Grandpa Joe.It's a fantastic show and the names fit the time period and location perfectly.I really like the actress who plays Erin full name: Saoirse-Monica.
I like Erin, Orla, and Michelle. Although Orla's name seems a bit out of place.
I was wondering if it was just a one of the Wikipedia editors mistakes of the Derry Girls page that Clare was twice listed, but apparently the character has two grandmothers named Clare and she was given one Clare for each of them, as per the writer Lisa McGee. Explains the other girls middle names too. https://www.google.com/amp/s/metro.co.uk/2020/04/29/derry-girls-series-three-writer-characters-middle-names-12626367/amp/

This message was edited 10/21/2024, 5:38 PM

I like Erin Josephine, Anna, Clare (crazy having it as a mn too), Michelle, James
I like Erin and Clare, but only once. I like Anne but not Anna, Michele but not Michelle, Louise but not Louisa, Niall and James. Clare Clare could well have been a mistake by whoever was christening her. I knew a woman named Clodagh, and she explained that her parents had chosen her names very carefully. Also very carefully, and on the other side of that piece of paper, they had written Clodagh because it was one of the places they planned to visit in their next holiday to Ireland. And the priest looked at the wrong side of the paper and named her Clodagh, and Clodagh she remained.
Derry Girls is a comedy programme set in N. Ireland during the final years of the Troubles/Northern Ireland peace process. I.e the 90s. It's a pretty decent show, I didn't think it would be my kinda thing but I caved to peer pressure and watched it with my sister and some friends and actually got very invested. (It's worth giving it a go, it might not be for you or you might like it... it also hits different if you have Irish/N.Irish close ones or are familiar with the culture and modern history of the region.)All that to say that Clare's middle name being Clare is 100% part of the comedy.

This message was edited 10/21/2024, 12:51 PM