[Opinions] names of 5 vampires from my dreams
The descriptions are based mainly on what I remember
edit: I know my English sucks I mostly write in HebrewEverildis/Everild - I can't remember who they are but they appeared before the rest of the vampires, and they are not a monster compared to the other vampires. they might be a spellcaster
Louise - she is an albino vampire but a blue-eyed (European) ginger in her human form (I might be confusing her with the last vampire though)Mercy? - Her hair was black and her skin was gray, her face had a spider-like appearance, and she had multiple red eyes, she wore a maid dress. As a human, she is masculine and wears typical modern clothes. I am going to her to my character, she's going to start wearing Victorian suits. I can't figure out what her name was but I did come up with a few placeholders that I thought were her name at the time -Beatriz Sybille & Darcy, Mercy which was the closest find to her actual name.Romeric - I don't remember his vampire form but judging by his human appearance he is likely a young African American man. His eyes were blue and glowing I think? he was also wearing a top hat (my vampires don't have eternal life)Percival "Percy" - perhaps a brother of Romeric? I can't remember anything about poor PercyAlwilde/Alwildis - an albino vampire*******
rate my PLN:

This message was edited 10/27/2024, 1:28 PM


Everild, Romeric, and Percival are amazing. How was Romeric pronounced?
It's pronounced like Roh-meh-reek, I actually didn't hear the names in my dreams but I've read them. This is how I pronounce it in real life

This message was edited 10/30/2024, 8:04 AM

I love, love, love the name Louise for a girl, and Percival for a boy! I remember being obsessed with Mercy for a short while in 8th grade. I think that it sounds pretty, and in some senses (like, as a religious tribute, for some people?), Mercy can be a sweet name. However, the phrase "beg for mercy" turns me a way, unfortunately.
I do like Mercy and am unbothered by the phrase, to be honest, maybe because I am not a native English speaker
I like Everild & Romaric. I think they would make a great sibling duo.I'm curious - What have you been doing to have dreams (nightmares) about vampires? Watching too many scary films? Reading too many horror books? Writing stories about vampires? Just getting into the spirit of Halloween?
it's the funniest response I've ever gotten so far, you made my evening
I just happen to have original vampire characters in my fantasy world. I don't write about them, but I do create them in the Sims and give them backstories.I am Jewish and I am also not an American so I don't celebrate Halloween although I wish I did, it must be amazing.This time I just had a dream about a roblox horror game about the backrooms which is an internet horror that appeared during COVID, if you want an explanation I will give you one. It wasn't scary I think I was able to control my dream I was playing on the first floor/level with some other players and we were running away from monsters. I had to find the right key to the door to escape to the second floor.
After I found the key and escaped to the second floor I was introduced to the vampire monsters on the menu that appeared.

This message was edited 10/28/2024, 12:00 PM