[Opinions] Unusual names I've recently come across
Two unique names, both on women in their 50/60s from middle America:Kelline
Just thought I'd share, as I hadn't seen them before! I think they're both fine, but nms. Lenelle makes my mouth want to say Ellen though.
My PNLs = http://www.behindthename.com/pnl/37275My Top Favorites: Remy and Eseld
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MCM names!
I was babysat by a Lynell (pretty sure that was the spelling) in the 70s.
Kelline seems likely to be a little younger, to me, by ten years or so, because Kelly. But mostly I think Kelline sounds like a riff on Colleen.
I think that Kelline is pretty; it reminds me of one of my favorite "K" names- Kelina. Lenelle is also very pretty sounding, but I'd prefer Lynelle (and Lynette to Lynelle, which is actually one of my most favorite names).
Sorry, I'm not a fan of either.
Kelline - if I heard this out loud, I'd probably mistake it for Colleen because I sometimes here it pronounced as kuh-leen instead of call-een.
Lenelle - if I heard this I'd probably assume it was Lanelle (which is apparently a submitted name in here). Lenelle seems like a feminized version of Lenny, and Lanelle seems like a feminized/frillified version of Lane.
I think they're both pretty! I prefer Kelline. I'm getting soft on -ine names recently. I tend to not like them. -Elle names, though, I usually like. I do like Lynette better than Lenelle and Kelline better than Kelly.
Don't like either and lenelle looks like a typo for Lynelle