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[Games] Re: generation caf 13.1
in reply to a message by Evie
DH (92) Nicholas Lincoln Reynolds
DW (dec aged 90) Haidee Seraphina (Olson) Reynolds DS1 (70) Nicholas Lincoln Reynolds
DS2 (67) Oscar Theodore Reynolds
DD1 (65) Imogen Astrid (Reynolds)
DS3 (60) Otto Emile ReynoldsNicholas and Haidee || NickyOscarImogenOtto --
DS1 (70) Nicholas Lincoln Reynolds
DW (70) Lilah Dixie (Brooks) Reynolds DD (47) Ella Catharina (Reynolds) Cole
- DH (52) Ezra Albert Cole
- DS (25) Kasper Nate Cole
-- DW (28) Eden Nova (Meyer) Cole
-- DS (4) Alexander Hayes Cole
-- DS (2) Arthur Theo Cole
-- DD (exp) Aria Winter Cole
Kasper and Eden || AlexArthur • exp Aria
- DD (23) Daisy Celine Cole
- DD (22) Amelie Dahlia Cole
-- Dfiance (24) Hudson Enzo Graham
-- DD (1) Bonnie Erin Cole
-- DD (exp) Esther Freya Cole
Amelie and Hudson || Bonnie • exp Esther
- DS (19) Milo Ciaran Cole
- DS (17) Luca Cillian Cole
-- Dgf (17) Millie Viola Sanders
-- DS (exp) Elio Aidan Sanders-Cole
Luca and Millie || exp Elio
- DD (14) Violet Pippa Cole
- DS (12) Louis Bentley Cole
- DS (8) Jude Elvis Cole
Ella and Ezra || KasperDaisyAmelieMiloLucaVioletLouisJude DD (44) Loretta Anna (Reynolds) Kovac
- DH (43) Jaroslav Kovac
- DD (17) Agnesa Lucy Kovac
- DD (15) Jolana Penny Kovac
- DD (12) Milada Hannah Kovac
- DS (4) Jaroslav Presley Kovac
Loretta and Jaroslav || AgnesaJolanaMilada • Jaro DD (40) Maisie Charlotte Reynolds-Stone
- ExFiance (42) Leo Sky Ellis
- DS (16) Sky Leo Ellis
- DS (14) Cassian Luke Ellis
Maisie and Leo || SkyCass
- DW (33) Florence Matilda Reynolds-Stone
- DS (4) Ronan Sebastian Reynolds-Stone
- DS (1) Charlie Mateo Reynolds-Stone
Maisie and Flossie || RonanCharlie Nicky and Lilah || EllaLorettaMaisie --
DS2 (67) Oscar Theodore Reynolds
DW (64) Joëlle Marie (Roux) Reynolds DS (41) Jamie Philippe Reynolds
- DW (37) Sophie Avery (Jenkins) Reynolds
- DD (13) Joëlle Marie Reynolds
- DS (11) Cohen André Reynolds
- DS (8) Patrice Elliot Reynolds
- DD (6) Nadine Effie Reynolds
- DS (2) Maurice Gunner Reynolds
Jamie and Sophie || JoëlleCohenPatriceNadineMaurice DS (40) Jacob Luc Reynolds
- ExW (41) Alma Johanna Jordan
- DS (9) Etienne Sylvain Reynolds
Jacob and Alma || Etienne DS (38) Justin Emmanuel Reynolds
- Dgf (34) Eliza Brooke Rose
Justin with girlfriend Eliza DD (25) Armelle Penelope Reynolds
- DD (nb) Imogene Armelle Reynolds
Armelle with daughter Imogene Oscar and Joëlle || JamieJacobJustinArmelle --
DD1 (65) Imogen Astrid (Reynolds) Pierce
ExH1 (65) Micah Peter Owens DS (46) Micah Peter Owens
- DW (43) Harlow Blake (Alexander) Owens
- DD (14) Blake Riley Owens
- DD (12) Callie Aurelia Owens
- DS (5) Micah Peter Owens
Micah and Harlow || BlakeCallieMicah DD (44) Cate Anne (Owens) Blanchett
- DH (45) Shane Presley Blanchett
- DD (16) Edie Cate Blanchett
- DS (14) Presley Shane Blanchett
- DD (10) Grace Holly Blanchett
- DD (7) Maria Layla Blanchett
Cate and Shane || EdiePresleyGraceMaria Imogen and Micah || MicahCate ExH2 (64) Daniel Erik Shaw DD (40) Selena Rose (Shaw) Paulsen
- ExH (42) Thomas Robert Peters
- DD (19) Sienna Veronica Peters
-- DD (5m) Theodora Harper Peters
Sienna with daughter Theodora
- DD (17) Phoebe Valentina Peters
- DD (14) Ruby Poppy Peters
Selena and Tommy || SiennaPhoebeRuby
- DH (38) Bjørn Lars Paulsen
- DS (4) Thor Bjørn Paulsen
- DD (9m) Malin Ida Pauslen
Selena and Bjørn || ThorMalinDS (38) Daniel Erik Shaw DD (36) Lyra Juliet Murphy-Shaw
- DW (24) Maeve Aoife Murphy-Shaw
Lyra with wife Maeve Imogen and Daniel || SelenaDanielLyra DH (64) Corey Elijah Pierce DHD (35) Shiloh Rhiannon (Pierce) Elliott
- DH (35) Leon Jaylen Elliott
- DD (7) Felicity Shiloh Elliott
- DS (5) Michael Leon Elliott
- DD (3) Amelie Leighton Elliott
- DD (nb) Haidee Seraphina Elliott
Shiloh and Leon || FelicityMikeyAmelieHaidee DS (30) Corey Elijah Pierce
- DW (30) Isla Mirabel (Mason) Pierce
- DS (18m) Beau Bodhi Pierce
Corey and Isla || Beau DS (27) Greyson Joseph Pierce
- Dbf (26) Joshua Liam Coleman
Grey with boyfriend Joshua Imogen and Corey || ShilohCoreyGreyson --
DS3 (60) Otto Emile Reynolds
ExW (59) Alice Caitlin Richards DD (38) Mabel Alice (Reynolds) Rodriguez
- ExH1 (39) Jack Billy Bishop
- DS (16) August Leonardo Bishop
Mabel and Jack || August
- ExH2 (41) William Roman Andrews
- DS (13) Roman William Andrews
- DS (12) Bruno Maximilian Andrews
- DD (10) Antonia Mabel Andrews
Mabel and Will || RomanBrunoAntonia
- DH (36) Jose Fernando Rodriguez
- DHS (9) Santiago Jose Rodriguez
- DS (4) Diego Eliseo Rodriguez
- DD (exp) Lourdes Alba Rodriguez
Mabel and Jose || SantiagoDiego • exp Lourdes DS (36) Orlando Freddie Reynolds
- DW (33) Cora Helena (Riley) Reynolds
- DD (13) Lula Halle Reynolds
- DD & DD (11) Sosie Amabel Reynolds & Mae Guinevere Reynolds
- DD (7) Ottilie Wren Reynolds
- DS (5) Freddie Orlando Reynolds
- DS (2) Kit Robin Reynolds
Orlando and Cora || Lula • Sosie • MaeOttilieFreddieKit DD (33) Margot Lauren Reynolds
- Dgf (33) Chloe Nicole Jacobs
Margot with girlfriend Chloe Otto and Alice || MabelOrlandoMargot DH (57) Alfie Xavier Beckett Reynolds-DeanADS (27) Luca Kylo Reynolds-Dean
- DW (25) Maya Alexis (George) Reynolds-Dean
- DD (4) Elly Cerys Reynolds-Dean
- DD (2) Beau Stormy Reynolds-Dean
- ADS (nb) River Ryder Reynolds-Dean
Luca and Maya || EllyBeauRiver DD (12) Ada Harriet Reynolds-Dean Otto and Alfie || LucaAda
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