[Opinions] Trump Family Tree
With recent elections, I thought I would have a look at the Trump family tree, putting political opinions completely aside, what do you think of the names?Donald John (1946) m (1997-1990) Ivana Marie Zelníčková (1949-1922)Donald John Jr (1977) m (2005-2018) Vanessa Kay Pergolizzi (1977)Kai Madison (2007)
Donald John III (2009)
Tristan Milos (2011)
Spencer Frederick (2012)
Chloe Sophia (2014)IvanaIvankaMarie (1981) m (2009) Jared Corey Kushner (1981) Arabella Rose (2011)
Joseph Frederick (2013)
Theodore James (2016)Eric Frederick (1984) m (2014) Lara Lea Lunaska (1982) Eric Luke (2017)
Carolina Dorothy (2019)Donald John m Marla Ann Marples (1993-1999)Tiffany Ariana (1993)Donald John m (2005) Melanija Knavs "Melania" (1970)Barron William (2006)

This message was edited 11/13/2024, 7:14 AM


The only Donald I want to hear about ever again for the rest or my life better be quaking with a speech impediment and not wearing pants 🪿 one can only dream.
I hate that they have excellent name taste.
If my excellent you mean average and not modernly misspelled, then yes, sure
I think Chloe Sophia and Arabella Rose are lovely. Spencer Frederick is very nice too. I like Kai better on a boy. Kai Maverick.
Donald John, Marla Ann, and Vanessa Kay do not interest me.
Ivana and Ivana Marie would appeal to me more if Ivana was pronounced ee-vah-na. I also don't like the short A sound in Melania.
Spencer Frederick and Jared Corey are decent. I Eric Frederick better, though. Chloe Sophia, Tiffany Ariana, and Arabella Rose are pretty.
I like Theodore James. I like Kai Madison but not on a girl.
Tristan Milosh, Barron William, Carolina Dorothy and Eric Luke have no cadence. I do not like Milos. For the others, I much prefer their reverse orders: William Barron, Dorothy Carolina and Luke Eric.
The family's taste in names is okay, but some of the combos are plain or lacking in congruency.

This message was edited 11/12/2024, 10:24 AM

Donald - I grew up with a Donald. We are 31. He is a 3rd and finally broke it with his son, moving it to the middle. I've only ever met one child with this name and everyone else I know with it are very old. John is a filler middle name. The combo overall is just okay (disassociating it from the person), but very old-fashioned and doesn't need to continue to be used generation after generation. I love honoring names, but not straight-up repeats.Ivana Marie is okay. I know Ivana is from another language, but I hear I wanna, so not great. Ivanka is just a diminutive and sticking the k in makes it sound harsher. Vanessa Kay is all right. I like Vanessa, but this combo is just lackluster. Kai Madison - I know it is a girl, but I don't like that it is two unisex names. I actually think of Kai as only a boy's name, since I've met several boys named Kai, but no girls, so if I didn't know this was a girl and I just saw the name Kai Madison, I would think it was a boy. Not a fan.Tristan is fine. I don't like Milos. Spencer Frederick is okay.Chloe Sophia are both pretty, but don't flow together. I like Jared, I don't like Corey, especially that spelling and it doesn't flow together. Arabella Rose is beautiful.Joseph Frederick is okay.

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Simply based on the names themselves, I like:
Vanessa Kay (simple. sounds like a brunette)
Kai (not Madison)
Chloe Sophia (basic combo of very basic names but I like them together.)
Arabella Rose (WOAH pretty)
Theodore James (pretentious but cute!)
Melania (I prefer Melanie but this is nice)
Tiffany Ariana (VERY pretty combo.)

This message was edited 11/12/2024, 4:46 AM

Donald John -  boring, add "Jr" to that, and it's even worse. Screaming: My parent is egocentred. Just sad.
Ivana and Ivanka Marie - pretty names; I like the combo.
Vanessa Kay - with different middle name it would be better, because I like Vanessa itself.
(For those wondering - ness in my username is from Inez, not Vanessa)
Kai Madison - It seems dry and like a rude person, but that's just my impression.
Donald John... III ! Wow, it can get worse than "Jr"
Tristan Milos - I dislike this combination and am not a fan of names separately, but it's not the worst.
Spencer Frederick - Frederick alone is fine, Spencer ruins it 4/10.
Chloe Sophia - it's okay.
Jared Corey: I dislike it, I'm not a fan of name Jared in general, and that's probably why.
Arabella Rose - The best of all; I like it a lot.
I think this is my first time seeing the name Arabella instead of Annabella, and I prefer this new to me version.
Joseph Frederick - just alright.
Theodore James - okey but changing James for something else would be nice.
Eric Frederick - It's 3rd Frederick, and it bothers me along with how the full name sounds "ErikFrederik"... It ruins pretty name Eric.

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This message was edited 11/11/2024, 6:54 PM

They seem eager to honor Frederick. I like Frederick though prefer Friedrich or Freedrik.Kai, Tristan, Chloe seem trendy together but are likable enough. I like Sophia but not the combo. I hate Spencer; I've always been weirdly reminded of "dispenser" (what is the appeal? Diana Spencer maybe? but I didn't grow up knowing her surname) and in recent years associate Richard Spencer. Arabella Rose is cute even though I usually think Rose is trite as a MN. Marie, Joseph, Theodore, Eric, Luke, and Dorothy seem like nice names, but I prefer Caroline or Karolina to Carolina.I think Tiffany Ariana and Melania / Melanija are pretty.I don't dislike titles as a group (sometimes they can seem charming?), but Barron seems nouveau riche and reminds of "robber barons" which I don't find charming. It's hard to explain how I feel about Donald. I disliked it (and Don, Donnie even moreso) before I associated Trump - partly because it seems old, but I don't dislike old names as a group. It seems flat-footed and tone-deaf? And I imagine Donnie wears gold link necklaces. Or something. I don't actually know any Donalds, though; maybe it'd help if I did.

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This message was edited 11/11/2024, 8:03 PM

Arabella, Joseph, and Theodore is a fine sibset. My favorite combo is Carolina Dorothy (though I'd prefer Dorothy Carolina).
Donald is so ugly. Always hated that name, going back to only knowing it for a cartoon duck.
Ivanka sucks because it was a vanity name from her equally terrible mother -- basically "mini me."
Barron is a very ugly name.
Jared makes me think of that Subway pedophile, so it's ruined forever anyway.I guess the rest of the names are ok, if you divorce them from the horrifying people who are attached.
So I don't know anything about Ivana Trump as a person, and I am anti-Trump(s), but how is their daughter being named Ivanka any more vain than a son being a (Insert Name) Jr?
Barron is the dumbest name.
Ivanka Trump's birth name is also Ivana
Donald John: 3/10. I tepidly like Donald, though I greatly prefer Donovan. I don't like John as a middle name.
Ivana Marie: 8.5/10. Ivana is very pretty, and I like it paired with Marie.
Vanessa Kay: 4/10. I don't like Vanessa. "Ness" just isn't for me. I adore the name Kay (but I like the spelling Kaye more).
Kai Madison: 5/10. Kai is cute and I appreciate it being unisex but I'm a little tired of Kais. Madison is mid.
Tristan Milos: 5/10. I really like Tristan but Milos isn't quite for me.
Spencer Frederick: 5/10. I don't care much for Spencer but Frederick is nice.
Chloe Sophia: 3/10. Chloe isn't for me either, and I only feel neutral about Sophia.
Ivanka Marie: 6.5/10. I like Ivanka.
Jared Corey: 2/10. I don't like Jared or Corey, or the pairing.
Arabella Rose: 4/10. Arabella doesn't interest me. I like Rose.
Joseph Frederick: 5/10. It's perfectly neutral.

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This message was edited 11/11/2024, 1:50 PM