[Opinions] Jonathan or Nicholas with middle name Gregory or Anthony?
Which combination is your favorite? Order of preference out of the four options?


Nicholas Anthony
Jonathan Gregory I don't like Gregory but Jonathan Anthony doesn't work because of the "than/anth" combination.
I disagree. Jonathan Anthony is a normal name.
In order of preferenceNicholas Anthony
Jonathan Gregory
Nicholas GregoryI'll be honest Jonathan Anthony I think is awful. The -than Anth- transition is rough
Nicholas Gregory! I hate Anthony, and Jonathan is so blah.
Jonathan Anthony
Nicholas Anthony
Nicholas Gregory
Jonathan Gregory
I only like the combination of Jonathan Gregory; it's a very handsome, classic name that you can't go wrong with! I do enjoy the names Anthony and Nicholas (which is actually my brother's name), but not with each other- or with Jonathan and Gregory.
I like Jonathan Gregory a lot, too.
I don't like any of the possible combinations because these four names bore me, but my choice would be Jonathan Gregory.
Nicholas, all the way. I really can't warm up to flabby, limp-wristed Jonathan!Nicholas Antony would be my choice, but Anthony is fine as a mn.