[Opinions] Favorite Shakespearean name?
What's your favorite name used by Shakespeare and why?
Nerissa by far.
Regan, because it’s my mom’s name.
Miranda. Runner-up would be Juliet. Timeless classics, both of them. Bill clearly found Helena more useful rhythmically than Helen, but I vastly prefer Helen and would be more likely to use it IRL than Miranda or Juliet.
Helena. It’s the one I’d likely use first.
I have many I adore, but Desdemona is my favourite. It's delicate and elegant, especially when pronounced with the stress on the second syllable. I think the name is good for an evil character, but the meaning ("ill-fated") really suits the character.
Runners-up: Rosaline, Emilia, Cymbeline, Katherina, Nerissa.
Runners-up: Rosaline, Emilia, Cymbeline, Katherina, Nerissa.
DESdeMOna fits better in an iambic pentameter.
I'm more used to the form in my language, Desdémona (des-DE-mo-na).