[Opinions] What would you name a virtual assistant?
Seeing that most virtual assistants have short but interesting names (Alexa, Claude, Siri, etc.), sometimes sci-fi as well, what would you name one?In my case:Nova (runners-up Melis, Cyra, Zinnia, Dido)
Zephyr (runners-up Remus, Aloys, Igor, Noam)

“Dear optimist, pessimist, and realist – while you guys were busy arguing about the glass of wine, I drank it! Sincerely, the opportunist!”-Lori Greiner
Rate my PNLs: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/215535/145665


I've noticed how they seem to give "assistants" female names. And female voices. Ugh! I hate when human names are used for machines, and I especially hate when machines are given female robo-voices. It offends me somehow.
I might name an assistant Fido or Scooby.
Lina is my first thought for some reason. Definitely think it should be female and one-two syllables. Cyra is my fave on your listSome others off the top of my head could be Nora, Pearl, Lotus
Lina and Lotus would suit one. They're quite versatile.