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[Games] Re: generation caf 13.1
in reply to a message by Evie
DH [92] Scott Nicholas Reynolds
DW [90] Odessa Marin Reynolds nee Olson
DS1 [70] Scott Nicholas Reynolds "Nicholas"
DS2 [67] Theodore Silas Reynolds
DD1 [65] Saffron Mireille Reynolds
DS3 [60] Emile Douglas ReynoldsScott & Odessa
Nicholas | Theodore | Saffron | Emile*
DS1 [70] Scott Nicholas Perry ne Reynolds "Nicholas"
DW [70] Indigo Olivia PerryDD [47] Elva Catharina Cole nee Perry
- DH [52] Dexter Albert Cole- DS [25] Kasper Vincent Cole
-- DW [28] Avalon Ember Cole nee Meyer
-- DS [4] Blake Zachary Cole
-- DS [2] Rowan Arthur Cole
-- DD [exp] Zadie Aria ColeKasper & Avalon
Blake | Rowan | Zadie- DD [23] Celine Anya Cole- DD [22] Amelie Frieda Cole
-- DF [24] Dashiell Hudson Hamilton "Dash"
-- DD [1] Azalea Geneva Hamilton-Cole
-- DD [exp] Iris Eloise Hamilton-ColeAmelie & Dash
Azalea | Iris- DS [19] Raphael Alexei Cole- DS [18] Luca Octavian Cole
-- Dgf [18] Viola Verity Gibson
-- DS [exp] Remi Aidan Gibson-ColeLuca & Viola
Remi- DD [14] Hazel Violet Cole
- DS [12] Lennon Miles Cole
- DS [8] Jethro Hendrix ColeElva & Dexter
Kasper | Celine | Amelie | Raphael | Luca | Hazel | Lennon | JethroDD [44] Anna Julia Perry
- DH [43] Vladan Kovac Perry
- DD [17] Dominika Lucy Perry
- DD [15] Jolana Mary Perry
- DD [12] Liliana Hannah Perry
- DS [4] Vladan Lennox PerryAnna & Vladan
Dominika | Jolana | Liliana | VladanDD [40] Charlotte Maisie Perry "Lotte"
- XF [42] Leo Caspian Wallace
-- DS [16] Caspian Leo Perry
-- DS [14] Morgan Elias PerryLotte & Leo
Caspian | Morgan- DW [33] Florence Ophelia Fox
-- DS [4] Ephraim Abel Fox-Perry
-- DS [1] Mateo Murphy Fox-PerryLotte & Florence
Ephraim | MateoNicholas & Indigo
Elva | Anna | Lotte*
DS2 [67] Theodore Silas Reynolds
DW [64] Joëlle Marie Reynolds nee RouxDS [41] Philippe Jean Reynolds
- DW [37] Sophie Tallulah Reynolds nee Ryan
- DD [13] Joëlle Marie Reynolds II
- DS [11] André Jacques Reynolds
- DS [8] Jean-Luc Gregory Reynolds
- DD [6] Nadine Thérèse Reynolds
- DS [2] Yannick Marcel ReynoldsPhilippe & Sophie
Joëlle | André | Jean-Luc | Nadine | YannickDS [40] Olivier Luc Reynolds
- ExW [41] Johanna Primrose Jordan
- DS [9] Etienne Lucien ReynoldsOlivier & Johanna
EtienneDS [38] Benoît Christophe Rose ne Reynolds
- Dgf [34] Anastasia Aurora RoseBenoît & AnastasiaDD [25] Micheline Eugenia Reynolds
- DD [nb] Imogene Marie ReynoldsMicheline
ImogeneTheodore & Joëlle
Philippe | Olivier | Benoît | Micheline*
DD1 [65] Saffron Mireille Reynolds
ExH1 [65] Peter Micah KelleyDS [46] Peter Micah Kelley "Micah"
- DW [43] Regan Blake Alexander
- DD [14] Blake Skylar Alexander Kelley
- DD [12] Callie Azure Alexander Kelley
- DS [5] Peter Micah KelleyMicah & Regan
Blake | Callie | PeterDD [44] Anne Bridget Larson nee Kelley
- DH [45] Saul Brandon Larson
- DD [16] Bluebell Anne Larson
- DS [14] Brandon Saul Larson
- DD [10] Holly Grace Larson
- DD [7] Paris Monroe LarsonAnne & Saul
Bluebell | Brandon | Holly | ParisSaffron & Peter
Micah | AnneExH2 [64] Daniel Erik ShawDD [40] Summer Rose Haugen nee Shaw
- ExH [42] Saxon Robert Ford-- DD [19] Siena Storm Ford
--- DD [5m] Zelda Crystal FordSiena
Zelda-- DD [17] Lola Kendall Ford
-- DD [14] Ruby Angeline FordSummer & Saxon
Siena | Lola | Ruby- DH [38] Morten Kjell Haugen
-- DS [4] Nils Morten Haugen
-- DD [9m] Ida Marianne HaugenSummer & Morten
Nils | IdaDS [38] Daniel Erik Shaw "Erik"DD [36] Juliet Lyra Shaw
- DW [35] Aoife Aisling DoyleJuliet & AoifeSaffron & Daniel
Summer | Erik | JulietDH [64] Corey Elijah PierceDHD [35] Persephone Rhiannon Porter nee Pierce
- DH [35] Kwame Leon Porter
- DD [7] Ezra Persephone Porter
- DS [5] Michael Kwame Porter
- DD [3] Leighton Amelie Porter
- DD [nb] Odessa Marin Porter "Marin"Persephone & Kwame
Ezra | Michael | Leighton | MarinDS [30] Corey Elijah Pierce "Elijah"
- DW [30] Zoe Samantha Pierce nee O'Brien
- DS [4] Samuel Romeo Pierce
- DS [18m] Jasper Everett PierceElijah & Zoe
Samuel | JasperDS [27] Kairo Joseph Pierce
- Dbf [26] Kendrick Joshua HartKairo & KendrickSaffron & Corey
Persephone | Elijah | Kairo*
DS3 [60] Emile Douglas Reynolds
ExW [59] Alice Caitlin DuncanDD [38] Rebecca Alice Palomo nee Reynolds- ExH1 [39] Bruce Archer Hunter
-- DS [16] Leonardo Atticus Reynolds "Leo"Rebecca & Bruce
Leo- ExH2 [41] Basil Wolfgang Spencer
-- DS [13] Wolfgang Basil Spencer
-- DS [12] Nathaniel Bruno Spencer
-- DD [10] Antonia Rebecca SpencerRebecca & Basil
Wolfgang | Nathaniel | Antonia- DH [36] Enrique Angel Palomo
-- DHS [9] Isidoro Enrique Palomo
-- DS [4] Eliseo Diego Palomo
-- DD [exp] Alejandra Jimena PalomoRebecca & Enrique
Isidoro | Eliseo | AlejandraDS [36] Edward Orlando Reynolds
- DW [33] Helena Jane Bradley Reynolds
- DD [13] Pollyanna Louise Reynolds
- DD & DD [11] Matilda Amabel Reynolds & Ottoline Isabeau Reynolds
- DD [7] Zinnia Robin Reynolds
- DS [5] Orlando Edward Reynolds
- DS [2] Phineas Patrick ReynoldsEdward & Helena
Pollyanna | Matilda | Ottoline | Zinnia | Orlando | PhineasDD [33] Lauren Margot Reynolds
- Dgf [33] Chloe Melissa JacobsLauren & ChloeEmile & Alice
Rebecca | Edward | LaurenDH [57] Xavier Dexter Conrad LawsonADS [27] Kylo Fletcher Lawson
- DW [25] Maya Alexis Lawson nee Keller
- DD [4] Cerys Tabitha Lawson
- DD [2] Maple Jasmine Lawson
- ADS [nb] River Callum LawsonKylo & Maya
Cerys | Maple | RiverDD [12] Briar Ivy LawsonEmile & Xavier
Kylo | Briar- - -Katie
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