[Games] Women in Art History (4)
previous round: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5557882

This Round: Judith Leyster 1609 - 1660Judith Jans Leyster was a Dutch Golden Age painter. She painted genre works, portraits and still lifes. Although her work was highly regarded by her contemporaries, Leyster and her work became almost forgotten after her death. It wasn't until the late 19th century that she was recognized for her artistic abilities. Leyster's Self-Portrait, c. 1633, marks a historical shift from the rigidity of earlier women's self-portraits in favor of a more relaxed, dynamic pose. The fact that the inventory of her estate attributed many of the paintings to "the wife of Molenaer", not to Judith Leyster, may have contributed to the misattribution of her work to her husband.
Choose your favourite Judith Leyster painting
1) Self-Portrait (c. 1630)
2) Boy playing the Flute (1630s)
3) 5) A Game of Tric Trac (1631)
4) The Proposition (1631)
5) Jolly Toper (1629)
6) The Last Drop (c. 1629)
7) A Boy and a Girl with a Cat and an Eel (1640)
8) Flowers in a Vase (1654)
The names are Biblical, like Judith‘s first name1) Delilah Ashtoret Beulah Euodia Herodias Rebecca Dalida Naomi Bethsabée Puah
2) Rivka Elisabetĭ Shiloh Eva Bithiah Hadassah Rahab Zilla Magdalena Aviya
3) Mehetabel Bathsheba Ruth Zevida Candace Achsah Jezebel Sapphire Keturah Eua
4) Astarte Keziah Priscilla Jehosheba Phoebe Dinah Selah Peninnah Ada Zipporah
5) Sherah Zilpah Jescha Ashtoreth Noemin Leia Tamar Junia Noa Abigaia Casiphia
6) Sarai Elisheva Tabitha Nympha Susannah Klaudia Drusilla Zelpha Hester Yael
7) Persis Athaliah Huldah Joanna Idida Magdalene Jemima Isebel Damaris Mary
8) Tryphena Naamah Vashti Eva Laodicea Syntyche Nineveh Elizabeth Maudeleyne Iskah
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf
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DH: Faes Reyer Van Hool
DW: Corelia Jesmonda Van Hool (nee Maitani)DD: Heraclea Charis Van Hool
DD: Peninnah Astarte Van Hool “Penny”Faes & Corelia Van Hool: Heraclea & Penny
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DH: Oric Augustiin Delacroix
DW: Corelia Agnesina (Bramante) DelacroixDD: Kallisto Photine Delacroix
DD: Eva Maudeleyne Delacroix
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DH: Augustiin Domaes Oric Van de Velde
DW: Vivinna Junipera CastelnuovoDD: Thaïs Alexandra Castelnuovo Van de Velde
DD: Magdalena Rivka Castelnuovo Van de Velde
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DH: Kiel Gervaes Lefevre
DW: Felice Moreta (Verdone) Lefevre DD: Xenia Rhodine Lefevre
DD: Susannah Hester Lefevre
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DH: Josken Ignaes Deckers
DW: Liona Felice ArietiDD: Kallia Leontia Arieti
DD: Zilla Aviya Arieti
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DH: Oric Domaes Bordet
DW: Soave Belhonor CastelnuovoDD: Kallia Rhodine Bordet
DD: Phoebe Zipporah Bordet
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DH: Wolfaert Regnerus Bruegel
DW: Soave Ymilia Fontana
DD1: Aikaterine Kallia Bruegel
DD2: Astarte Keziah BruegelWolfaert, Soave, Aikaterine, and Astarte Bruegel
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DH: Vrederick Josken Palm Becue
DW: Bellacara Cherubina DeodatoDD: Nike Boeo Becue
DD: Bethsabée Dalida BecueVrederick Becue and Bellacara Deodato with Nike Becue and Bethsabée Becue
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DH: Tisken Domaes Rodenbach
DW: Fiordelise Adaleta Ricci Rodenbach "Elise"
DD1: Charis Zephyria Ricci Rodenbach
DD2: Tabitha Sarai Ricci Rodenbach "Tabby"Tisken & Elise
Charis | "Tabby"
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DH: Crystiaen Marquert Vandevelde
DW: Soliana Bellacara Vandevelde, née NazzariDD1: Alcinoe Zenobia Vandevelde
DD2: Zipporah Astarte VandeveldeCrystiaen & Soliana; Alcinoe and Zipporah
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DH: Abbo Isebrand Magritte
DW: Malgarita Nepoleona (nee. Petrini) MagritteDD: Parthena Theophania
DD: Magdalena Elisabetĭ
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DH: Vrederick Garbrant Solvay “Ricky
DW: Ymilia Castella {Marconi} SolvayDD: Kallia Euphemia Solvay
DD: Shiloh Hadassah Solvay
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The De Sauvage Family!The De Sauvage FamilyH: Rickwin Domaes De Sauvage, "Rick"
W: Liona Felice (Brazzi) De SauvageD1: Xenia Rhodine De Sauvage
D2: Naomi Ashtoret De Sauvage
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DH: Heineken Abbo Joseph
DW: Aidelina Vivinna BuzzancaDD1: Charis Alexandra Joseph
DD2: Dalida Rebecca Joseph
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DH: Renerus Daem Benoit
DW: Mirabel Orsetta Peppe-Benoit
DD1: Charis Pelaiga Benoit
DD2: Rebecca Delilah Benoit
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DH: Leyn Gervaes Rysbrack
DW: Sancta Felice da CortonaDD: Timothea Rhode Rysbrack
DD: Maudeleyne Eva Rysbrack
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Coenraed Otten Wolfaert De Wilde
Argentina Vituccia Felice AccorsiIassa Kleonike
Keturah Sapphire
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H: Tisken Oric De Theux
W: Bellacara Soliana Valentino De TheuxD: Helena Melissa De Theux
D: Drusilla Sarai De Theux
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DH: Reyer Augustiin De Smet
DW: Nera Iunone (Palladio) De SmetDD: Nike Kallisto De Smet
DD: Eva Elizabeth De Smet
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DH: Niclaes Reyer Timmermans
DW: Nera Soliana (Petrucci) TimmermansDD: Charis Aletheia Timmermans
DD: Phoebe Zipporah Timmermans
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DH: Mathise Ignaes Vieuxtemps
DW: Adaleta Fiordelise Piranesi
DD: Zephyria Lysistrate
DD: Elisabetĭ Magdalena
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DH: Rickwin Augustiin Delacroix "Rick"
DW: Vivinna Bettisia [Nazzari] Delacroix "Vivi"DD: Callixena Eirene Delacroix "Callie"
DD: Elizabeth Maudeleyne Delacroix "Lizzie"Rick & Vivi Delacroix: Callie, & Lizzie
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DH: Mathise Ignaes Hepburn
DW: Vivinna Junipera Caselli Hepburn "Vivi"DD: Alexandra Charis Hepburn "Alex"
DD: Eva Magdalena Hepburn "Evie"
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DH: Reyer Claesken Schoepen
DW: Liona Felice [Fontana] SchoepenDD: Chysanthe Aikaterine Schoepen
DD: Dalida Naomi Schoepen
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Coper Mathise Thys ❤️ Abondancia Guillelma Leonoria (née Baseggio)
Demetria Ambrosia Melantho
Syntyche Nineveh Maudeleyne [Coper & Abondancia || Ambrosia, Nineveh]
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DH: Josken Han “Jos” Rubens
DW: Nera Iunone Gabrieli
DD1: Gaiana Eryxo Rubens
DD2: Elisabeti Aviya Rubens
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DH: Matthys Coenraed Franck
DW: Dianora Michelotta CarracciDD: Chrysanthe Euphemia Carracci-Franck
DD: Phoebe Priscilla Carracci-Franck
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DH: Matthys Wolfaert Zingaretti Boudewijn [pansexual trans man; he/him]
DW: Belhonor "Bella" Fiordelise Zingaretti Boudewijn [biromantic demisexual cis woman; she/her] DD: Anatolia "Tully" Myrrhine Zingaraetti Boudewijn [IVF; twin]
DD: Elisheva "Eva" Hester Zingaretti Boudewijn [IVF; twin]
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DH: Jannes Raes Van Noten
DW: Napoleona Patientia Rigamonti
DD1: Roxana Agathe Van Noten
DD2: Ruth Keturah Van Noten
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H: Augustiin Oric Van Miert
W: Adelagia Soliana RinucciniD: Agatha Callixena Rinuccini
D: Phoebe Zipporah RinucciniAugustiin & Adelagia; Agatha and Phoebe.
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H: Augustiin Niclaes Zimmer
W: Patientia Fiordelise {Stradivari} ZimmerD: Zephyria Heraclea
D: Hadassah Eva
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DH: Matthys Kerstant Lemonnier
DW: Adelagia Nera BragagliaDD: Thaïs Heraclea Lemonnier
DD: Vashti Maudeleyne Lemonnier*****
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DH: Augustiin Reyer Van Zeeland
DW: Tessina Cristofana Caspanello DD: Euphemia Aikaterine Van Zeeland
DD: Vasthi Maudeleyne Van Zeeland
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DH- Augustiin Heynric Claiborne
DW- Agnesina Zelante CorelliDD- Alexandra Thaïs
DD- Eva Elizabeth
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H: Caspaer Palmarius Bruegel
W: Mirabel Verdiana CardinaleD: Euphemia Sappho Bruegel
D: Susannah Drusilla Bruegel
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dh: Oric Faes Augustiin De Wilde
dw: Moreta Felice Honesta Da Comodd: Alexandra Aletheia
dd: Nineveh Iskah
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H: Ignaes Rubbe De Vlaeminck
W: Agnesina Temperantia PalladioD: Xenia Leontia De Vlaeminck
D: Persis Jemima De Vlaeminck
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6) The Last Drop (c. 1629)H: Vulfric Isebrand Maeterlinck
W: Prudenzia Altabella [Schiaffino] MaeterlinckD1: Zephyria Heraclea Maeterlinck
D2: Drusilla Nympha Maeterlinck
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