[Games] Women in Art History (12)
previous round: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5558270

This Round (we are going slightly back in time): Marie Bracquemond 1841-1916Marie-Anne-Caroline Bracquemond was a French Impressionist artist, who was described retrospectively by Henri Focillon in 1928 as one of "les trois grandes dames" of Impressionism alongside Berthe Morisot and Mary Cassatt. Her frequent omission from books on artists is sometimes attributed to the efforts of her husband, Félix Bracquemond.The critic Philippe Burty referred to her as "one of the most intelligent pupils in Ingres' studio". As a student in Ingres' private Parisian studio, she wrote that, "The severity of Monsieur Ingres frightened me ... because he doubted the courage and perseverance of a woman in the field of painting ... He would assign to them only the painting of flowers, of fruits, of still lives, portraits and genre scenes."Between 1887 and 1890, under the influence of the Impressionists, Bracquemond's style began to change. Her canvases grew larger and her colours intensified. She moved out of doors (part of a movement that came to be known as plein air), and to her husband's disgust, Monet and Degas became her mentors.Although she was overshadowed by her well-known husband, the work of the reclusive Marie Bracquemond is considered to have been closer to the ideals of Impressionism. According to their son Pierre, Félix Bracquemond was often resentful of his wife, brusquely rejecting her critique of his work, and refusing to show her paintings to visitors. In 1890, Marie Bracquemond, worn out by the continual household friction and discouraged by lack of interest in her work, abandoned her painting except for a few private works. In defense of the style to one of her husband's many attacks on her art, she said, "Impressionism has produced ... not only a new, but a very useful way of looking at things. It is as though all at once a window opens and the sun and air enter your house in torrents."⭐️
Choose your favourite Marie Bracquemond painting
1) Self Portrait (c. 1870)
2) Portrait de Pierre Bracquemond (1978)
3) Afternoon Tea (1880)
4) Three Ladies with Umbrellas (Three Graces) (c. 1880)
5) On the Terrace at Sèvres (1880)
6) Iris in a Vase (c. 1886)
7) Pierre and his Aunt Louise in the Garden at Sèvres (1886)
8) Landscape (Garden Path)
THE NEXT GENERATION- Optional second middle name starts with the letter MLinks are optional 1) Child five, a daughter
- Her first name is the name of an Empress (https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/feminine/tag/empresses)
- Her middle name contains the letters “BEL”2) Child three, a daughter
- Her first name and middle name are Elder Scroll characters (https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/feminine/tag/elder_scrolls_characters) 3) Child one, a daughter
- Her first name is “pink” (https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/feminine/tag/pink)
- Her middle name is related to the name Anna (https://www.behindthename.com/name/anna/related)4) A child of your choice, a son
- His first name is a French word (https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/masculine/tag/french_words)
- His middle name is from this list: https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/masculine/tag/top_10_in_france5) Child four, a daughter
- Her first name ends in the letters “IE”
- Her middle name is a baby animal or has a baby animal in it’s meaning (https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/feminine/tag/baby_animals)6) Child six, a son
- His first name is from the category history (https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/masculine/usage/history)
- His middle name contains the letters “LIN” or “LYN” 7) A child of your choice, a son
- His first name and middle name are Shakespearean (https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/masculine/tag/shakespearean_characters)8) Child two, a son
- His first name is after his grandfather
- His middle name is related to water (https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/masculine/tag/water)
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf
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Coenraed Otten Wolfaert De Wilde
Argentina Vituccia Felice AccorsiIassa Kleonike De Wilde m. Benno Ottokar Lössl
--Dahlia Annelien Keturah Sapphire De Wilde m. Tilman Lothar EypeltauerBenedetta Luce De Wilde m. Julius Anselm Bluemel
--Narine RaphaëlleViatrix Felina De Wilde m. Sibylle Josefine RavenelHero Agrippa De Wilde m. Eike Gabriela Ursino
--Cléopâtre Marie-Eve Ursino De WildeCecilia Photine De Wilde m. Cassian Hieronymous Nussbaum
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DH: Faes Reyer Van Hool
DW: Corelia Jesmonda Van Hool (nee Maitani)DD: Heraclea Charis Lawrence (nee Van Hool)
-DH: Victorin Daniel Lawrence
--DS: James Marcelllus LawrenceDD: Peninnah Astarte Evans-Van Hool “Penny”
-DW: Rose Viviane Evans-Van Hool
--DS: Jonas Zorion Evans-Van HoolDD: Floriana Giulietta Bruin (nee Van Hool)
-DH: Armand Clément Bruin
--DD: Marja Brielle BruinDD: Viatrix Corona Ruskin-Van Hool “Via”
-DW: Lydie Marietta Ruskin-Van HoolDD: Claribel Rosaline Underhill (nee Van Hool) “Clare”
-DH: Samuel Serge UnderhillDD: Laurencia Hilary Nash (nee Van Hool) “Ren”
-DH: Luc Gaétan NashFaes & Corelia Van Hool: Heraclea, Penny, Floriana, Via, Clare, & Ren
Heraclea & Victorin Lawrence: James
Penny & Rose Evans-Van Hool: Jonas
Floriana & Armand Bruin: Marja
Via & Lydie Ruskin-Van Hool
Clare & Samuel Underhill
Ren & Luc Nash
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DH: Kiel Gervaes Lefevre
DW: Felice Moreta (Verdone) LefevreDD: Xenia Rhodine (Lefevre) Langley
-DH: Jack Gerhard Langley DD: Susannah Hester Eynard-Lefevre
-DW: Margot Marielle Eynard-Lefevre
--DD: Evangeline Claudie Eynard-Lefevre (2) DD: Marcellina Amore (Lefevre) Baardsen "Marcy"
-DH: Konrad Målfrid Baardsen
--DD: Diana Susannah Baardsen (1)DD: Clara Pia (Lefevre) Rosenberg
-DH: Wilhelm Harald Rosenberg DD: Beatrice Aliena (Lefevre) Underwood
-DH: Edmund Oliver Underwood "Eddie"
--DD: Marina Catherine Underwood (nb)DD: Athena Salome (Lefevre) Nilsen
-DH: Klaus Hjalmar Nilsen
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DH: Matthys Kerstant Lemonnier
DW: Adelagia Nera Bragaglia***
DD1: Thaïs Heraclea Lemonnier
DH: Walter Hugo LehtonenDS: Tristan Einar Lehtonen***
DD2: Vashti Maudeleyne Lemonnier
DH: Robert Petrus EbrahimiDS: Matteo Jafar Ebrahimi***
DD3: Alma Adelina Lemonnier
DH: Julian Thomas BurchardDD: Madeleine Adele Burchard***
DD4: Regina Columba Lemonnier
DW: Zita Annamaria Ramírez***
DD5: Dorcas Mariana Lemonnier
DH: Rüdiger Rainer Umbrecht***
DD6: Chrysanthe Ebba Lemonnier
DH: Antonius Bernhard Niesen*****
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DH: Heineken Abbo Joseph
DW: Aidelina Vivinna BuzzancaDD1: Charis Alexandra Joseph
-DH: André Ulrik Lovelace
-DS: Isidore Kieran LovelaceDD2: Dalida Rebecca Joseph
-DH: Elias Jakob EverettDD3: Clementina Letizia Joseph
-DW: Mina Susanne Bolton
-DD: Aida Clemna Bolton-JosephDD4: Desideria Isaura Joseph
-DW: Melissa Jane ReidDD5: Dionyza Lavinia Joseph
-DH: Jim Oliver Ughi
-DD: Irene Cybele UghiDD6: Daria Candida Joseph
-DH: Ronald Tobias “Ronny” Nyilas
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DH: Leyn Gervaes Rysbrack
DW: Sancta Felice da CortonaDD: Timothea Rhode {Rysbrack} Ladner
- DH: Gideon Arthur LadnerDD: Maudeleyne Eva {Rysbrack} Emberger
- DH: Felix Stefan EmbergerDD: Filippa Luce {Rysbrack} Bluemel
- DH: Augustin Cyriak Bluemel
- DD: Clementine Noelle Bluemel
- DD: Juliette Finn BluemelDD: Romana Viatrix {Rysbrack} Resch
- DH: Dominik Christoph ReschDD: Viola Hecate {Rysbrack} Unger
- DH: Adam Konrad Unger
- DD: Sophia Mabel UngerDD: Phoebe Laurencia {Rysbrack} Nagele
- DH: Victor Martin Nagele
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DD1: Charis Pelaiga Benoit-Leitner
DH: Marius Eduard LeitnerDD2: Rebecca Delilah Benoit-Engel
DW: Rosina Judith Engel-Benoit
-DD1: Priscilla Audrey EngelDD3: Alina Jessica Benoit-Bachmann
DH: Peter Johann BachmannDD4: Florentia Clara Benoit-Rothbauer
DH: Richard Julian RothbauerDD5: Dionyza Mariana Benoit-Urban
DH: Gregor Sebastian Urban
-DS1: Harold Patrick Urban
-DD1: Severina Isabel UrbanDD6: Barbara Felicity Benoit-Neuman
DW: Casilda Valeria Neuman-Benoit
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DH: Mathise Ignaes Vieuxtemps
DW: Adaleta Fiordelise Piranesi
DD: Zephyria Lysistrate Vieuxtemps
--SO: Teodor Ragnvald Lauritsen
DD: Elisabetĭ Magdalena Vieuxtemps
--SO: Severin Halvdan Ernst
--DD: Gwendoline Sylvette
DD: Cosima Vittoria Vieuxtemps
--SO: Leif Torgeir Brunson
--DD: Mélisande Colette
DD: Seraphina Beatrix Vieuxtemps
--SO: Viktor Joakim Reinhard
DD: Titiana Andromache Vieuxtemps
--SO: Gabriel Sigmund Ulverson
DD: Antonina Elfleda Vieuxtemps
--SO: Sigurd Andreas Norland
--DS: Octavian Caelinus
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The De Sauvage Family!Marie Bracquemond's husband was an a-hole.The De Sauvage FamilyH: Rickwin Domaes De Sauvage, "Rick"
W: Liona Felice (Brazzi) De SauvageD1: Xenia Rhodine (De Sauvage) Labriola
D2: Naomi Ashtoret (De Sauvage) Ek
D3: Marcellina Domenica De Sauvage, "Chell"
D4: Crescentia Salvatrix (De Sauvage) Rush, "Crescent"
D5: Lavinia Charmian De Sauvage, "Vinnie"
D6: Edana Magdalene (De Sauvage) Niles, "Edie"
__________D1: Xenia
H: Paul Arnold LabriolaD: Cerise Annabel Labriola
__________D2: Naomi
H: Luther Julius EkD: Alexandra Odette Ek, "Lexi"
__________D3: Chell
H: Leo Soren (Baak) De SauvageS: Orion Louis De Sauvage
__________D4: Crescent
H: Jacob Leander Rush, "Jake"
__________D5: Vinnie
W: Esther Irene (Urquhart) De Sauvage
__________D6: Edie
H: Hugo Alexander Niles
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DH: Rickwin Augustiin Delacroix "Rick"
DW: Vivinna Bettisia [Nazzari] Delacroix "Vivi"DD: Callixena Eirene [Delacroix] Langley "Callie"
- DH: Joseph Sébastien Langley "Joey"
- DS: Tristan Abraham Langley "Tristan"
-DD: Coralie Hannah Langley “Cora”DD: Elizabeth Maudeleyne [Delacroix] Emerson "Lizzie"
- DH: Jacques Philippe Emerson "Jack"DD: Liliana Claretta [Delacroix] Bennett "Lily"
- DH: Maxime Achille Bennett "Max"
- DD: Magdalena Adele Bennett "Maggie"DD: Carina Honorata [Delacroix] Ryker "Cara"
- DH: Daniel Edmond Ryker "Danny"DD: Eleanor Francisca [Delacroix] Underwood "Ella"
- DH: Quentin Jessé Underwood "Quinn"DD: Lucia Ariadne [Delacroix] Norris "Lucy"
- DH: Charles Damien Norris "Charley"Rick & Vivi Delacroix: Callie, Lizzie, Lily, Cara, Ella, & Lucy
- Callie & Joey Langley: Tristan, & Cora
- Lizzie & Jack Emerson
- Lily & Max Bennett: Maggie
- Cara & Danny Ryker
- Ella & Quinn Underwood
- Lucy & Charley Norris
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H: Tisken Oric De Theux
W: Bellacara Soliana Valentino De TheuxD1: Helena Melissa De Theux
D2: Drusilla Sarai De Theux
D3: Liliana Violetta De Theux
D4: Desideria Feliciana De Theux
D5: Lavinia Isabella De Theux
D6: Magdalene Cleopatra De Theux-----
D1: Helena Melissa De Theux Leblanc
H: Joseph Stanislas LeblancS: 1 Olivier Quentin Leblanc-----
D2: Drusilla Sarai De Theux Émile
H: Romain Benjamin ÉmileD: 3 Evangeline Odette Émile-----
D3: Liliana Violetta De Theux Bellamy
H: Damien Philippe BellamyD: nb Vivienne Celeste Bellamy-----D4: Desideria Feliciana De Theux Renault
H: Vincent Alexandre Renault-----D5: Lavinia Isabella De Theux Urban
H: Sébastien Éric Urban-----D6: Magdalene Cleopatra De Theux Neuville
H: Siméon Oscar Neuville
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DH: Wolfaert Regnerus Bruegel
DW: Soave Ymilia FontanaDD1: Aikaterine Kallia (Bruegel) Lamarre
-DH: Hervé Achille LamarreDD2: Astarte Keziah (Bruegel) Étienne
-DH: Bérenger Alban Étienne
-DS: Jean-Luc Félicien ÉtienneDD3: Amadea Francesca (Bruegel) Beauchêne
-DH: Léonce Pascal BeauchêneDD4: Cresentia Honoria (Bruegel) Richelieu
-DH: Nestor Valentin Richelieu
-DS: Hercule Gerard Richelieu
-DD: Jolie Inès RichelieuDD5: Charmain Dionyza (Bruegel) Urbain
-DH: Casimir Gabin UrbainDD6: Calliope Pelagia (Bruegel) Noyer
-DH: Aldric Maël Noyer

This message was edited 12/22/2024, 2:14 PM

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H: Augustiin Niclaes Zimmer
W: Patientia Fiordelise {Stradivari} ZimmerD: Zephyria Heraclea
D: Hadassah Eva
D: Carmela Violetta
D: Florentia Pia
D: Lavinia Isabella
D: Xenia Chrysanthe***D: Zephyria Heraclea {Zimmer} Laakso
-H: Amadeus Karl Laakso--S: Robin Abraham***D: Hadassah Eva {Zimmer} Easton
-H: Peter Basilius Easton***D: Carmela Violetta {Zimmer} Barsotti
-H: Elias Benedikt Barsotti--D: Fabiola Estelle***D: Florentia Pia {Zimmer} Ravencroft
-H: Felix Walter Ravencroft***D: Lavinia Isabella {Zimmer} Uzun
-H: Ronan Timotheus Uzun--D: Irene Mirabelle***D: Xenia Chrysanthe {Zimmer} Nightingale
-H: Isidor Leo Nightingale

This message was edited 12/22/2024, 9:04 AM

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DH: Josken Han “Jos” Rubens
DW: Nera Iunone Gabrieli
DD1: Gaiana Eryxo Rubens
DD2: Elisabeti Aviya Rubens
DD3: Alma-Rina Giusi Rubens
DD4: Francisca Isaura Rubens
DD5: Paulina Lennox Rubens
DD6: Laurencia Chloe “Ren” Rubens
DD1: Gaiana Eryxo Rubens
-DH: Ewen Robert Lyne
DD2: Elisabeti Aviya Rubens
-DH: Arnaud Albin Évrard
—DS1: Ganix Zorion Évrard
DD3: Alma-Rina Giusi Rubens
-DH: Pol Alexandre Marc Bosch
—DD1: Paola Èlia Remei Bosch-Rubens
—DD2: Elda Àgata Marina Bosch-Rubens
DD4: Francisca Isaura Rubens
-DH: Joseph Isidore Reid
DD5: Paulina Lennox Rubens
-DH: Eric Benoît-Joseph Urrutia
DD6: Laurencia Chloe “Ren” Rubens
-DW: Estelle Olivia Newbrough
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DH: Matthys Coenraed Franck
DW: Dianora Michelotta CarracciDD: Chrysanthe Euphemia Carracci-Franck
- DH: Karl-Axel Amadeus Lindwall
-- DS: Erastus Oreste Rickard LindwallDD: Phoebe Priscilla Carracci-Franck
- SO: Boris Romanovich ErmolayevDD: Giulietta Floriana Carracci-Franck
- SO: Vinzenz Johannes BrochtrupDD: Narcissa Angela Carracci-Franck
- DW: Veronika RepDD: Rosalind Ursula Carracci-Franck
- DH: Patrick Julian Upshaw
-- DS: Louis Octavius Upshaw
-- DD: Helena Mirabelle UpshawDD: Marcella Callista Carracci-Franck
- DH: Benjamin Thomas Christian Night
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DH: Vrederick Josken Palm Becue
DW: Bellacara Cherubina DeodatoDD: Nike Boeo Carr-Becue
- DW: Lydia Eva Carr-BecueDAD: Bethsabée Dalida [Becue] Simoneit
- DH: Egon Zachäus Simoneit
- DD: Anuschka Amandine SimoneitDD: Assunta Amore [Becue] Russo
- DH: Bonaventura Andrea Russo
- DS: Celestino Gaetano RussoDD: Salvatrix Beata Becue
- DW: Radegunde Hyazinth SchwinghammerDD: Mopsa Helena [Becue] Abt
- DW: Ulrike Adelheid Abt
- DD: Thekla Belphoebe AbtDD: Domnika Maxima [Becue] Byrne
- DH: Natalis Peter ByrneVrederick Becue and Bellacara Deodato with Nike, Bethsabée, Assunta, Salvatrix, Mopsa, and Domnika Becue
- Nike and Lydia Carr-Becue
- Bethsabée and Egon Simoneit with Anuschka Simoneit
- Assunta and Bonaventura Russo with Celestino Russo
- Salvatrix Becue and Radegunde Schwinghammer
- Mopsa and Ulrike Abt with Thekla Abt
- Domnika and Natalis Byrne
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H: Augustiin Oric Van Miert
W: Adelagia Soliana RinucciniD: Agatha Callixena Rinuccini
D: Phoebe Zipporah Rinuccini
D: Delfina Benedetta Rinuccini
D: Viatrix Carina Rinuccini
D: Helen Ursula Rinuccini
D: Calista Penelope RinucciniAugustiin & Adelagia; Agatha, Phoebe, Delfina, Viatrix, Helena, and Calista.*D: Agatha Callixena Rinuccini
Partner: Oscar Daniel Leopold BrisboisAgatha & Oscar.**D: Phoebe Zipporah Rinuccini
H: Jean-Baptiste Didier EmileS: Eoin Gad Emile-RinucciniPhoebe & Jean-Baptiste (Johnny); Eoin.***D: Delfina Benedetta Rinuccini Richelieu
H: Lucien Thierry RichelieuD: Jemima Mireille Richelieu
D: Tova Ileana RichelieuDelfina & Lucien; Jemima and Tova.****D: Viatrix Carina Rinuccini
W: Juliette Simone NormandViatrix (Vianna) & Juliette.*****D: Helen Ursula Rinuccini
Partner: Charles Damien Joseph LefevreHelen (Nell) & Charles (Charlie).******D: Calista Penelope Rinuccini
Partner: Flora Celine UnderwoodCalista (Callie) & Flora.
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DH: Mathise Ignaes Hepburn
DW: Vivinna Junipera Caselli Hepburn "Vivi"DD: Alexandra Charis Hepburn "Alex"
DD: Eva Magdalena Hepburn "Evie"
DD: Adelina Isabella Hepburn "Addie"
DD: Carina Romana Hepburn
DD: Gertrude Katharine Hepburn "Trudy"
DD: Euphemia Ruth Hepburn "Emi"--
DD: Alexandra Charis Hepburn Lewis "Alex"
DH: Jonathan Thomas Lewis "Jo"DS: Daniel Cedric Lewis--
DD: Eva Magdalena Hepburn Emerson "Evie"
DH: Charles Patrick Emerson "Charlie"--
DD: Adelina Isabella Hepburn Bennett "Addie"
DH: Florian Joseph BennettDD: Juliette Florina Bennett
DD: Isabeau Silvia Bennett--
DD: Carina Romana Hepburn Redford
DH: Ronan Benjamin Redford--
DD: Gertrude Katharine Hepburn Urbain "Trudy"
DH: Lucien Blaise Urbain--
DD: Euphemia Ruth Hepburn Nichols "Emi"
DH: Jordan Fabien Nichols
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DH: Tisken Domaes Rodenbach
DW: Fiordelise Adaleta Ricci Rodenbach
DD1: Charis Zephyria Ricci Rodenbach
DD2: Tabitha Sarai Ricci Rodenbach
DD3: Liliana Gregoria Ricci Rodenbach
DD4: Scholastica Florentina Ricci Rodenbach
DD5: Juliet Emilia Ricci Rodenbach
DD6: Chrysanthe Xenia Ricci RodenbachTisken & Fiordelise
Charis | Tabitha | Liliana | Scholastica | Juliet | Chrysanthe*****
DD1: Charis Zephyria Ricci Rodenbach
DH: Alban Johannes LeclercCharis & Alban***
DD2: Tabitha Sarai Ricci Rodenbach
DH: Elias Ferdinand Eriksson
DD: Emmanuelle Francine Eriksson-RodenbachTabitha & Elias
DD3: Liliana Gregoria Ricci Rodenbach
SO: Ivo Bertram Baker
DD: Océane Axelle Baker RodenbachLiliana & Ivo
DD4: Scholastica Florentina Ricci Rodenbach

... Load Full Message

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DH: Jannes Raes Van Noten
DW: Napoleona Patientia RigamontiDD1: Roxana Agathe Van Noten
DH: Arthur Samuel LeonettiDD2: Ruth Keturah Van Noten
DH: Isaac Bernard "Bern" Eliassen DD3: Pia Violetta Van Noten
DH: Louis Emmanuel Brooks
DD1: Tamara Michelle Brooks
DD2: Agrippina Claudette BrooksDD4: Honoria Margarita Van Noten
DH: Justin Donald RichardsonDD5: Ophelia Diana Van Noten
DH: Vladimir Nelson Ulloa
DS: Castor Philemon UlloaDD6: Glaphyra Hilaria Van Noten
DH: Lucien Patrick Nicholson
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DH: Vrederick Garbrant Solvay “Ricky
DW: Ymilia Castella {Marconi} Solvay
DD: Kallia Euphemia {Solvay} Lagunova
DH: Dimitri Vladimir Lagunov
—DS: Claude Octavian LagunovDD: Shiloh Hadassah {Solvay} Earnshaw
DH: Jonas Alfred Earnshaw
—DS: Freddie River Earnshaw
DD: Marilena Francesca {Solvay} Bonhomme
DH: Matthieu Pierre Bonhomme
—DD: Madeleine Giselle BonhommeDD: Leocadia Amata {Solvay} Ruggiero
DH: Enzo Manuel RuggieroDD: Imogen Olivia {Solvay} Urbańska
DH: Roland Samson Urbański DD: Priscilla Valentina {Solvay} Niedermeier
DH: Bernard Wilfried Niedermeier
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Coper Mathise Thys ❤️ Abondancia Guillelma Leonoria (née Baseggio)
Demetria Ambrosia Melantho
Syntyche Nineveh Maudeleyne
Michelangela Alberta Violante
Narcissa Ursa Leonia
Agrippa Hero Bianca
Nikephoros Ariadne Ruth[Coper & Abondancia || Ambrosia, Nineveh, Michelangela, Narcissa, Agrippa, Nikephoros] ⭐️THE LAURENCE FAMILY
Demetria Ambrosia Melantho ❤️ Vivian Charles Rafael
Cassia Adele Rafaela (2)[Ambrosia & Vivian || Cassia]
Syntyche Nineveh Maudeleyne ❤️ Wolfgang Quentin [Nineveh & Wolfgang]
Michelangela Alberta Violante ❤️ Cassian Lucius Maximilian [Michelangela & Lucius]
Narcissa Ursa Leonia ❤️ Lazarus Benjamin [Narcissa & Lazarus]
Agrippa Hero Bianca ❤️ Rochus Gabriel “Rocco”
Titania Bellatrix (nb)[Agrippa & Rocco || Titania]
Nikephoros Ariadne Ruth ❤️ Konrad Kilian
Arianne Noelle “Ari” (1)[Nikephoros & Konrad || Ari]
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DH: Abbo Isebrand Magritte
DW: Malgarita Nepoleona (nee. Petrini) Magritte
DD: Parthena Theophania (nee. Magritte) Hilaire
-DH: Antoine Basil Hilaire-- DD: Mathilde Celestine
-- DS: Olivier Sixtus*
DD: Magdalena Elisabetĭ (nee. Magritte) Gildas
-DH: Francois-Regis Constantine Gildas--DS: Octavian Linden *
DD: Alessandra Cosima (nee. Margitte) Barnard
-DH: Anselm Sebastian Banard
DD: Felicitas Renata Margitte
- DF: William Melchior Guénolé
DD: Rosaline Helena (nee. Margitte) Martial
-DH: Augustine Theotime Martial
DD: Ariadne Gaiana Magritte
-DLover: Maxime Beatrice Orlane
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DH: Crystiaen Marquert Vandevelde
DW: Soliana Bellacara Vandevelde, née NazzariDD1: Alcinoe Zenobia Langlais, née Vandevelde
-DH: Marcel Sébastien LanglaisDD2: Zipporah Astarte Eldridge, née Vandevelde
-DH: Nelson Oscar EldridgeDD3: Fioralba Emiliana Bachman, née Vandevelde
-DH: Casimir Joseph Bachman
-DS: Fabian Christopher BachmanDD4: Viatrix Honorata Rowntree, née Vandevelde
-DH: Robert Gautier RowntreeDD5: Claribel Helena Umbert, née Vandevelde
-DH: Yves Augustin UmbertDD6: Penelope Columba Northrop, née Vandevelde
-DH: Prosper Gilbert Northrop
-DD: Marianne Aurelia Northrop
-DD: Isabeau Noelle NorthropCrystiaen & Soliana; Alcinoe, Zipporah, Fioralba, Viatrix, Claribel, and Penelope
Alcinoe & Marcel
Zipporah & Nelson
Fioralba & Casimir; Fabian
Viatrix & Robert
Claribel & Yves
Penelope & Prosper; Marianne and Isabeau
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H: Caspaer Palmarius Bruegel
W: Mirabel Verdiana CardinaleD: Euphemia Sappho Bruegel
- H: Basile Odilon Laurent
-- D: Elisabeth Naomi Laurent
-- S: Félix Decimus LaurentD: Susannah Drusilla Bruegel
- H: Balthazar Lucien Eldridge
-- S: Aeneas Balthasar EldridgeD: Cosima Pia Bruegel
- W: Agnès Véronique BaudelaireD: Beatrix Laetitia Bruegel
- W: Apolline Lucile RochefortD: Perdita Hermia Bruegel
- H: Lazare Vivien UzèsD: Agape Verena Bruegel
- W: Clémence Odette Normand
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DH: Reyer Augustiin De Smet
DW: Nera Iunone (Palladio) De SmetDD: Nike Kallisto (De Smet) Lunde-De Smet
-DW: Mina Kristine (Lunde) Lunde-De Smet
--DS: Ethan Jaden Lunde-De SmetDD: Eva Elizabeth (De Smet) Evans
-DW: Camilla Margot Evans
--DS: Jon Ayman EvansDD: Violetta Cosima (De Smet) Beck
-DH: Henry Jens BeckDD: Beatrix Laetitia De Smet
-DH: Henrik Frank RingdalDD: Katherine Iris (De Smet) Ulrichsen
-DH: Klaus Hugo Ulrichsen
--DD: Sophia Belle UlrichsenDD: Phoebe Chloe (De Smet) Norvoll-De Smet
-DW: Marion Pia (Norvoll) Norvoll-De Smet
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DH: Augustiin Reyer Van Zeeland
DW: Tessina Cristofana Caspanello DD: Euphemia Aikaterine Van Zeeland
— DH: Cornelius Ludvig Lauritsen
— DS: Marius Einar Lauritsen
— DD: Coralie Marianna LauritsenDD: Vasthi Maudeleyne Van Zeeland
— DH: Benjamin Lucas Ellington
— DS: Zacchaeus Osbourne EllingtonDD: Antonina Amedea Van Zeeland
— DH: Otto Michael Brandt DD: Carina Viatrix Van Zeeland
— DH: Maximilian Robert Ridley DD: Imogen Cassandra Van Zeeland
— DH: Simon Luther Unruh DD: Phoebe Laurencia Van Zeeland
— DH: Abraham Lazarus Neumann
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DH: Matthys Wolfaert Zingaretti Boudewijn [pansexual trans man; he/him]
DW: Belhonor "Bella" Fiordelise Zingaretti Boudewijn [biromantic demisexual cis woman; she/her] DD1: Anatolia "Tully" Myrrhine [Zingaraetti Boudewijn] LeBlanc [IVF; twin; straight cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Leopold "Leo" Krispinian LeBlanc [straight cis man; he/him]
-DS: Gauvain "Van" Kentigern LeBlancDD2: Elisheva "Eva" Hester [Zingaretti Boudewijn] Everard [IVF; twin; straight cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Bruno Edwin Everard [straight cis man; he/him]DD3: Giulietta "GiGi" Giuseppina Zingaretti Bruckner-Boudewijn [adopted; lesbian cis woman; she/her]
-DW: Isolde "Izzy" Ariane Bruckner-Boudewijn [bisexual cis woman; she/her]
-DD: Estiñe "Tina" Sable Bruckner-Boudweijn[adopted]DD4: Perpetua "Pepper" Viatrix [Zingaretti Boudewijn] Roffewinetti [IVF; twin; pansexual transfemme nonbinary; she/they]
-DSp: Answer Lothar [Roeffeler] Roffewinetti [bisexual nonbinary; they/xe]
-DD: Alexandrie "Andrie" Ombeline Roffewinetti [adopted]DD5: Nerissa "Nissa" Barnardine Zingaretti Boudewijn Unger [IVF; twin; straight cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Felix Oliver Boudewijn Unger [bisexual cis man; he/him] DD6: Domnika "DC" Celestine [Zingaretti Boudewijn] Northrop [adopted; straight cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Theobald "Theo" Eusebius Northrop [pansexual trans man; he/him]
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8) Landscape (Garden Path)H: Vulfric Isebrand Maeterlinck
W: Prudenzia Altabella [Schiaffino] Maeterlinck*D1: Zephyria Heraclea [Maeterlinck] Lockwood
-H: Basilius Romedius Lockwood
-S: Alphaeus Othello Lockwood*D2: Drusilla Nympha [Maeterlinck] Edgecombe
-H: Hieronymus Blasius Edgecombe
-S: Isebrand Neptune Edgecombe*D3: Floriana Delfina Maeterlinck-Bainbridge
-W: Perpetua Leontina Maeterlinck-Bainbridge*D4: Crescentia Firmina [Maeterlinck] Rains
-H: Stanislaus Sixtus Rains *D5: Volumnia Valeria [Maeterlinck] Uxbridge
-H: Sevantius Gordian Uxbridge
-S: Telesphore Cyriaque Uxbridge*D6: Apollonia Eudocia Maeterlinck
-H: Romoulad Antonius [Northrop] Maeterlinck

This message was edited 12/21/2024, 6:34 AM

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DH: Niclaes Reyer Timmermans
DW: Nera Soliana (Petrucci) Timmermans--DD: Charis Aletheia (Timmermans) Law
DH: Vincent Jordan Law
-DS: Tristan Octavius LawDD: Phoebe Zipporah (Timmermans) Ellsworth
DH: Oscar Ferdinand Ellsworth
-DD: Josephine Nicolette Ellsworth DD: Teresa Violetta (Timmermans) Bone
DH: Herbert Casimir BoneDD: Katerina Florentia (Timmermans) Ruskin
DH: Marc Robert Ruskin DD: Silvia Adriana (Timmermans) Underwood
DH: Gilbert Prosper Underwood DD: Felicity Candida (Timmermans) Noyer
DH: Sylvain Pascal Noyer
-DS: Loup Albert Noyer
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H: Ignaes Rubbe De Vlaeminck
W: Agnesina Temperantia PalladioD: Xenia Leontia De Vlaeminck
-H: Leopold Clemens Lefferts
--D: Fiammetta Judith LeffertsD: Persis Jemima De Vlaeminck
-H: Ewald Anselm Eichelberger
--D: Euphrosyne Laurette EichelbergerD: Assunta Marcellina De Vlaeminck
-W: Gudrun Melitta BaboD: Verena Felicitas De Vlaeminck
-H: Willibald Alfons RauschD: Hecate Adriana De Vlaeminck
-H: Silvio Pascal Ubertalli
--S: Clement Raphael UbertalliD: Salome Chrysanthe De Vlaeminck
-H: Erasmus Odilo Nachbaur
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