[Games] Ari's December NTNB #8
H (64) Valentín "Tino" Shin-Márquez RowenaRavenclaw
W (63) Chika Onyinyechi Bhandari cher529sD (32) Liranel Kaamara "Nellie" Shin-Márquez Bhandari AnonymousNameNerd123
- NBP (33) Cedar Nineveh Kang molly
-- AS (2)FN: African-American and unisex.
MN: Tibetan - Nellie and Cedar have recently become interested in Buddhism.
LN: Kang-Bhandari or Bhandari-Kang.𓃢 (9) Wasabi Laura B.D (27) Iseul Chimamanda Shin-Márquez Bhandari AhaRememo𓅛 (8) Mango JuliaFS (22) Mahershalalhashbaz Eun-U "Baz" Shin-Márquez Bhandari starletinwaitingAunt (49) Nnenne Uzochi Bhandari Darkbone
- BF (41)FN: Māori form of a Biblical name.
MN: comes from here (https://www.behindthename.com/submit/names/gender/masculine/usage/maori/editstatus/3).
LN: Māori, with a meaning related to nature.D (21) Adanna Chidi "Ada" Bhandari Princess_Shireen𓃠 (7) Chia Guest𓃢 (dec at 17) Turmeric Wordsmith
𓃠 (dec at 14) Polyhymnia "Polly" molly
𓃢 (dec at 15) Cinnamon TheRobinBird13
𓆉 (18) Coriander JuliaF

Tino has officially retired from full-time architecture but now teaches design workshops at local universities and mentors young architects. He's also taken up woodworking as a hobby, crafting furniture and sculptures for the family home. Chika has slowed down her film projects but remains active in documentary production. She also occasionally lectures at film festivals. Together, they travel frequently, spending time in Puerto Rico, Nigeria, and South Korea.Nellie's third novel became a bestseller, and she frequently speaks at literary festivals. Cedar recently had a solo exhibition in Berlin and completed a large public installation in London. One year ago, they adopted a son. He's a cheerful toddler who enjoys scribbling on the walls of the couple's London flat.Iseul completed her degree and now works for an international ocean conservation organisation. She's based in Hawaii but frequently travels to Indonesia, the Galápagos, and South Africa for fieldwork. Mango, her parrot, continues to be her constant companion, delighting colleagues during video calls and occasionally causing chaos by mimicking alarms. Iseul is considering pursuing a PhD but is currently focused on hands-on conservation work. Baz recently graduated with a degree in computer science and engineering. He's working on renewable energy tech and has already designed a prototype for a solar-powered desalination unit. He still plays the piano in his free time, occasionally performing at local venues. He's thinking about moving to Seoul or Tokyo for a new job, but so far, he's still living with his family.

Ada is pursuing fashion design and theatre at university. She recently had her designs featured in a student fashion showcase in Paris and is considering interning with major fashion houses after graduation. Chia, her black cat, is always by her side, often lounging in her studio or perched dramatically on fabric piles. Nnenne bas published two more books and has become a sought-after speaker at writing conferences. She and Ada have moved to a cosy flat near the family home. She met her partner four years ago. He was born in Rotorua, New Zealand. He moved to the UK for graduate studies and now works as a museum curator. Him and Nnenne met at an international literature and art symposium. Him and Ada share a great bond - she often jokes that he's "way cooler" than most adults.

masculine list: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/191050/124079
feminine list: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/191050/124080
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Semaj Jamphel Kang-BhandariEparaima Taniera Te Puni
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Akeem Dawa Kang-BhandariAnaru Hone Ngaio
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Nyjah Tenpa Kang-BhandariEtana Ranginui Paewai
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H (64): Valentín "Tino" Shin-Márquez
W (63): Chika Onyinyechi BhandariD (32): Liranel Kaamara "Nellie" Shin-Márquez Bhandari
- NBP (33): Cedar Nineveh Kang
-- AS (2): Aubrey Tenzin Bhandari-Kang🐕 (9): WasabiD (27): Iseul Chimamanda Shin-Márquez Bhandari🦜 (8): MangoS (22): Mahershalalhashbaz Eun-U "Baz" Shin-Márquez BhandariAunt (49): Nnenne Uzochi Bhandari
- BF (41): Hohepa Kapariera RangiD (21): Adanna Chidi "Ada" Bhandari🐈‍⬛ (7): Chia🐕 (dec at 17): Turmeric
🐈 (dec at 14): Polyhymnia "Polly"
🐕 (dec at 15): Cinnamon
🐢 (18): Coriander
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D (32) Liranel Kaamara "Nellie" Shin-Márquez Bhandari
- NBP (33) Cedar Nineveh Kang
-- AS (2) Aubrey Gyatso Bhandari-Kang
Aunt (49) Nnenne Uzochi Bhandari
- BF (41) Tamati Hone Rangihau
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Imari Delek Kang-Bhandari Tamati "Tam" Taniera Paewai
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Amari Dechen Kang-BhandariTamati Mikaera Ariki
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H (64) Valentín "Tino" Shin-Márquez RowenaRavenclaw
W (63) Chika Onyinyechi Bhandari cher529sD (32) Liranel Kaamara "Nellie" Shin-Márquez Bhandari AnonymousNameNerd123
- NBP (33) Cedar Nineveh Kang molly
-- AS (2) Jelani Dawa Kang-Bhandari
𓃢 (9) Wasabi Laura B.D (27) Iseul Chimamanda Shin-Márquez Bhandari AhaRememo
𓅛 (8) Mango JuliaFS (22) Mahershalalhashbaz Eun-U "Baz" Shin-Márquez Bhandari starletinwaitingAunt (49) Nnenne Uzochi Bhandari Darkbone
- BF (41) Mikaere Parekura WaititiD (21) Adanna Chidi "Ada" Bhandari Princess_Shireen
𓃠 (7) Chia Guest𓃢 (dec at 17) Turmeric Wordsmith
𓃠 (dec at 14) Polyhymnia "Polly" molly
𓃢 (dec at 15) Cinnamon TheRobinBird13
𓆉 (18) Coriander JuliaF
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H (64) Valentín "Tino" Shin-Márquez RowenaRavenclaw
W (63) Chika Onyinyechi Bhandari cher529sD (32) Liranel Kaamara "Nellie" Shin-Márquez Bhandari AnonymousNameNerd123
- NBP (33) Cedar Nineveh Kang molly
-- AS (2) Superior Tshering Bhandari-Kang
𓃢 (9) Wasabi Laura B.D (27) Iseul Chimamanda Shin-Márquez Bhandari AhaRememo
𓅛 (8) Mango JuliaFS (22) Mahershalalhashbaz Eun-U "Baz" Shin-Márquez Bhandari starletinwaitingAunt (49) Nnenne Uzochi Bhandari Darkbone
- BF (41) Īhaka Eparaima TeremoanaD (21) Adanna Chidi "Ada" Bhandari Princess_Shireen
𓃠 (7) Chia Guest𓃢 (dec at 17) Turmeric Wordsmith
𓃠 (dec at 14) Polyhymnia "Polly" molly
𓃢 (dec at 15) Cinnamon TheRobinBird13
𓆉 (18) Coriander JuliaF

This message was edited 12/25/2024, 12:09 PM

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H (64) Valentín "Tino" Shin-Márquez RowenaRavenclaw
W (63) Chika Onyinyechi Bhandari cher529s
D (32) Liranel Kaamara "Nellie" Shin-Márquez Bhandari AnonymousNameNerd123
- NBP (33) Cedar Nineveh Kang molly
-- AS (2) Kenyatta Pema Kang-Bhandari
𓃢 (9) Wasabi Laura B.
D (27) Iseul Chimamanda Shin-Márquez Bhandari AhaRememo
𓅛 (8) Mango JuliaF
S (22) Mahershalalhashbaz Eun-U "Baz" Shin-Márquez Bhandari starletinwaiting
Aunt (49) Nnenne Uzochi Bhandari Darkbone
- BF (41) Piripi Ranginui Paewai
D (21) Adanna Chidi "Ada" Bhandari Princess_Shireen
𓃠 (7) Chia Guest
𓃢 (dec at 17) Turmeric Wordsmith
𓃠 (dec at 14) Polyhymnia "Polly" molly
𓃢 (dec at 15) Cinnamon TheRobinBird13
𓆉 (18) Coriander JuliaF
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