[Opinions] Moon related names?
Currently creating a character and would like him to have a relatively simple moon-themed name. I have the names Monday and Lunar as possible name ideas, do you have any suggestions?
(some of the other characters from his story are called Sunny and Max)


In addition to the meanings option, you can also search tagged names:https://www.behindthename.com/names/tag/moon
https://www.behindthename.com/names/tag/lunarSome of these are simple in sound/spelling with less obvious etymology (to an English speaker) e.g. Aydan, Koray, Rahu, San, Ziri.
Puck is a moon of Uranus. It’s my favorite moon name in our solar system.
Oh I didn't even think about names of actual moons, that's a really good idea!
Chandra, Artem, Selen, Seleno, Ayhan, Badr, Kamar