[Opinions] How would you..? (30/12)
How would you name your son and daughter using names from Greek Mythology? What if you could get away with more eccentric Greek Mythology names?
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf


🤔 perhaps,
Kadmo(s) Endymion & Melinoë Kalypso
So difficult! My favourites for a girl are Aella, Astraea, Castalia, Daphne, Helena, Hera, Iris, Jocasta, Phaedra, Phoebe, Rheia, Urania and Xanthe, my favourite unisex (-ish, I use the term very generously) ones are Iocasti and Zephyr, and my favourite for a boy is Myles.
I’ll go with Helena Aella and Myles Iocasti.
Ianthe Euphrosyne or Eudora Melpomene & Troilus Telemachus
I'd seriously consider using Alastor, simply because it closely resembles Alastair, though I know there is no connection. Hector would be good: it has pleasant Scottish links in my family. Linus is more closely associated with Peanuts than Greek mythology, but perhaps this connection is fading: do namers still know about the little boy and his blanket?
For a daughter, Penelope wins hands down. Every time I see the name Pegasus, I think of Peggy-Sue, but that's a long way from reality, alas.
Alastor Moody is a pretty cool, though fictional, namesake!My nephews, now young teens, don’t seem to make the connection with Peanuts. But in my time it was more a girl thing.I love Penelope too and she has so many nickname options (Nell, Nellie, Poppy, Penny, Pip)

This message was edited 12/30/2024, 10:02 AM