[Opinions] Margot and Rita
Would you consider it gauche to name sisters Margot and Rita?
Or are they names in their own right and different enough to forget they’re both diminutives of Margaret?


Ugh, no. Margarita is a name itself, but this looks an attempt at gross cutesiness.
Yes, together the two names are a bad idea.
No. They are both well established names that are sufficiently different. And I even like both, so I can see how this may happen.
My only issue is what others have already pointed out, that if you call them in this order it will kind of soind like you're yelling maragarita, which in my opinion would be less than ideal. But could actually also be quite funny.
Nope, I wouldn't. It bugs me how both belong to the same name family. However, they're both lovely, and not many people would notice the link.
I think it's fine because most people wouldn't think that much about it.
My neighbors have granddaughters named Caroline and Charlotte. It's not obvious to non-name nerds, but it bothers me that they are both feminizations of Charles.
As first names it doesn't work for me at all. As middle names I think anything goes.
I would, yes, but I'm an annoying stickler LOL. Most people wouldn't understand the problem.
They are both names in their own right and have been for generations. However, since together they sound like someone's cutesy attempt to name a pair of cartoon party-girls after margarita, I'd avoid it.
I'd avoid Rita anyway, it's very mid-twentieth-century tacky. Harshly dyed hair, dragon-lady fingernails, spiky heels, cigarette dangling and spilling ashes, and slopping around the house in curlers and a bathrobe when she isn't out at the bar.
To avoid the Marguerite effect, name the first one Rita. Then it'll be natural to call 'Rita, Margot,don't forget to clean your teeth' or whatever.
I think it's ok, but if said together it sounds like margarita
I think it's fine. They are different enough.