[Opinions] Kendrick Or Hendrik
Do you prefer Kendrick Or Hendrik??
What middle names would you pair with them? Thanks


I love Hendrik Ivan. Like Hendrik Klaus, Hendrik Rene, Hendrik Levi, and Hendrik Norman.
I love Hendrik Ivan. Like Hendrik Klaus, Hendrik Rene, Hendrik Levi, and Hendrik Norman.
I prefer Kendrick. I like that it's kind of a nerdy name, but it's also got major cool points from its association with the rapper, who is a genius and fully deserves his Pulitzer.I'd do something like...Kendrick Edwin
Kendrick Arthur
Kendrick Oliver
Kendrick Silvio
I like Kendrick Edwin,Kendrick Arthur,and Kendrick Silvio.
I prefer Kendrick, nn Ken. I wouldn't consider using Hendrik because there are English equivalents that would be more natural choices. Kendrick Fraser
Kendrick Adrian
Kendrick Thomas
I personally prefer Kendrick, it's a cool name and it makes me think of the rapper Kendrick Lamar. I do like Hendrik too though.
I'm absolutely awful at making combos, but this is what I thought of:
Kendrick Isaac
Hendrik Thomas
I like those combos.
Thank you.