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[Games] Re: The F Family (6)
LN: Fox
DH: Geryon Morpheus Fox
DW: Ariadne Larissa FoxDS1: Perseus Jason Fox "Percy"
-DW: Marigo Floriana (Vasil) Fox
—DD: Dulcie Abolene Fox
—DD: Adeliza Mehetabel Fox
—DD: Camelia Alida Fox
—DD: Keturah Leonora Fox
—DD: Araminta Glenara Fox “Minty”
—DD: Euphemia Blythe Fox “Effie”DS2: Kairos Evander Fox "Kai"
-DW: Livia Dafine (Milot) Fox
—DS: Crispin Aloysius Fox
—DS: Gaius Horatio Fox
—DS: Baron Washington Fox
—DD: Joy-Eva Clarice Fox
—DD: Aveline Wrenna Fox
—DS: Ephraim Crayston Fox
—DD: Geneva Temperance Fox "Jenny"
—DS: Jethro Seneca Fox
—DS: Dudley Ambrose Fox
—DD: Maeva Honoria Fox "Mae"DS3: Leander Myles Fox "Lee"
-DW: Kristela Valentina (Edison) Fox
—DD: Lillias Norina Fox “Lily”
—DD: Jessamine Adora Fox “Jessa”
—DS: Mattison Collingwood Fox “Matt”
—DS: Alonso Epaphroditus Fox “Lonny”
—DD: Christabella Windsor Fox “Christa”
—DS: Gwillym Nicodemus Fox “Gwill”
—DS: Walter Ballantyne Fox “Walt”
—DD: Achsah Hildegarde Fox
—DD: Gustava Haidee Fox “Tava”DD1: Cassiopeia Selena (Fox) Elton "Pia"
-DH: Dash Vinçens Elton
—DD: Magdalen Clotilde Elton “Maggie”
—DD: Rhoda Constantia Elton
—DS: Hosea Azariah Elton
—DS: Abel Caradoc Elton
—DD: Hephzibah Vestal Elton “Ziva”
—DD: Bathsheba Loveday Elton “Bat”
—DS: Zephaniah Baruch Elton “Zeph”
—DS/DS: Solomon Octavius Elton “Sol” / Sylvanus Omega Elton “Syl”DS4: Damon Aristaeus Fox
-DW: Arisa Violeta (Edmond) FoxDD2: Aletheia Danae (Fox) Edison
-DH: Patriot Robert EdisonDD3: Ismene Helena (Fox) Osman
-DH: Denis Kristo OsmanDD4: Elara Artemis (Fox) Vasil
-DH: Alesio Eduard VasilDD5: Thebe Antigone (Fox) Milot
-DH: Arbor Jozef Milot
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