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[Games] Re: The F Family (6)
DH: Aristée "Rizzo" Apollón Fleytoux [bisexual genderqueer man; he/they]
DW: Chrysosandalaimopotichthonia "Goldie" Floros Fleytoux [pansexual cis woman; she/her] DD1: Pasiphaë "Pax" Séléné [Fleytoux] Nerënxa [straight cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Xhenson "Zen" Kristaq Nerënxa [straight trans man; he/him]
-DD1: Aldyth "Aba" Benedicta Alphonsine Nerënxa [twin; IVF]
-DD2: Ayliffe "Aylie" Almatina Hildegarde Nerënxa [twin; IVF]
-DD3: Avarina "Rina" Ianthe Enriqueta Nerënxa [adopted]
-DD4: Araminta "Minta" Desdemona Corisande Nerënxa [twin; IVF]
-DD5: Augusta "Auggie" Theodosia Dulcibelle Nerënxa [twin; IVF]
-DD6: Aeddan Euphemia Loveday Nerënxa [adopted] DS1: Alcander "Anders" Cephiro Fleytoux [straight cis man; he/him]
-DW: Rozalindë "Roz" Dranafile [Robert] Fleytoux [straight cis woman; she/her]
-DD1: Iglesia "Iggie" Sapphie Fleytoux
-DS1: Crayston "Clay" Jephtah Fleytoux
-DS2: Kingdon Ambrose Fleytoux
-DD2: Vaiana Clarice Fleytoux
-DD3: Rowella "Elly" Adonia Fleytoux
-DS3: Bismarck "Marco" Spiridione Fleytoux
-DS4: Aloysius "Louie" Bilson Fleytoux [twin]
-DS5: Alphaeus "Alfie" Llwelyn Fleytoux [twin]
-DS6: Zephaniah "Jeff" Augustine Fleytoux
-DD4: Enissa Camellia FleytouxDS2: Dionysus "Dion" Leander Fleytoux [straight cis man; he/him]
-DW: Leonita "Nita" Pinellopi [Osmani] Fleytoux [straight cis woman; she/her]
-DS1: Justinian Achille Fleytoux
-DD1: Urania "Rani" Britomart Fleytoux
-DD2: Alcestie "Tea" Ethelwynne Fleytoux
-DS2: Nicodemus "Nico" Gwillym Fleytoux
-DS3: Harmodius "Harry" Saxon Fleytoux
-DD3: Averietta "Etta" Windsor Fleytoux
-DD4: Desdemona "Desi" Adrielle Fleytoux
-DS4: Leonidas "Leo" Ballantyne Fleytoux
-DD5: Cassidena "Dina" Hypatia Fleytoux DD2: Calliphaea "Faye" Aerope [Fleytoux] Skënderi [bisexual cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Emiljano "Emil" Bashkim Skënderi [bisexual cis man; he/him]
-DD1: Verderina "Vera" Lyonesse Skënderi
-DD2: Boursiquette "Kit" Lovelace Skënderi
-DS1: Gamaliel "Jim" Montague Skënderi ["GM" -> "Jim"]
-DD3: Sylvestia "Sylvie" Lurline Skënderi
-DS2: Albion "Al" Sylvanus Skënderi
-DD4: Proserpine "Prose" Tryphena Skënderi
-DS3: Caradoc Igdaliah Skënderi
-DS4: Lucullus "Luc" Selby Skënderi [twin]
-DD5: Clotilde "Tilly" Vestalinda Skënderi [twin] DD3: Polymnia "Polly" Galatée [Fleytoux] Florin [straight asexual cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Redion "Red" Stilianos Florin [straight cis man; he/him]DD4: Aletheia "Theo" Cassiphone Bardhi-Fleytoux [biromantic demisexual demigirl/nonbinary femme; they/fae]
-DW: Violeta "Lita" Arbënore Bardhi-Fleytoux [bisexual intersex woman; she/they]DS3: Perseus "Percy" Mélissé Vogli Fleytoux [gay cis man; he/him]
-DH: Junus "JC" Çerçiz Jahmir Fleytoux Vogli [gay cis man; he/him] DD5: Anticlea "Cleo" Zephyria [Fleytoux] Fleymeri [bisexual cis woman; she/her]
-DSp: Lirian "Rian" Bedrie [Ymeri] Fleymeri [bisexual nonbinary; they/them] DD6: Liriope "Lyra" Astraea [Fleytoux] Grajqevci [straight cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Lazër Ramazan Grajqevci [straight cis man; he/him]
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