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[Games] Re: generation caf #14
John Alexander Rowntree, 67
Martha Christina Blythe, 67 Malcolm Francis, 41
Lloyd Felix, 38
Betty Irene, 37
Rose Virginia, 34
Frederick Marcus, 31
Malcolm Francis Rowntree, 41
Margaret Susan Altman, 42 Ronen Moses, 13
Lloyd Felix Rowntree, 38
Carolie Sabrina Tecson, 37 Naomi Angeline, 12
Ariel Josephine, 10
Orlan Howel, 7
Zephraim Ray, 6
Betty Irene Rowntree, 37
Abram Reiner Armstrong, 39 Eva Irene, 11
Nina Camille, 8
Odette Marion, 8
Jasper Cassius, 4
Rose Virginia Rowntree, 34
Johnny Bruce Wolfhard, 33 Hudson James, 10
Griffin Oscar, 9
Ramona Hazel, 3
Frederick Marcus Rowntree, 31
Sierra Kendall Evangelista, 40
{Grant Patrick Moore, 41}Nova Willow and Ada Lily, 18
Keaton Thomas, 16
Rooney Jackson Moore, 13
River Leo, 6
Fairy Quintana, 4
Leonor Indigo, 1
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