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[Opinions] Re: Playgroup Names
Ariya- nice Aria variant.
Eloise- I LOVE Eloise. It's such a lovely name.
Afiyah- I... don't know how to feel. I kind of hate it, but also, it's kind of funky in a good way.
Ivy- Love this name. I'm just really attached to plant names, and Ivy is so elegant.
Eilidh- Interesting.
Lydia- I really like this name. It reminds me of Aria, I think it's the "-ia".
Kayleigh- It's okay. One of the few "-leigh" names I like better than the "-ley" original.
Edith- Nice. Kind of dated, but it's a decent name with plenty of nickname options.
Finlay- LOVE Finlay. It's a good name on boys and girls imo.
Jude- Just makes me think of the hospital.
Hamish- It's okay. It reminds me of meat. And Edith.
Santino- I like it, but I don't love it.
Arthur- I've always associated this name with the cartoon.
Elliott- LOVE Elliott. 10/10 zero notes
Ollie- Short for Oliver? I like it either way, but diminutives as full names kind of eek me out.
Mylo- Wish it were just Milo.
Robert- It's okay.
Darragh- Sounds like a scream. I don't like it very much.---
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