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[Games] Re: CAF Generation (with decade-accurate names)
in reply to a message by Kielo
DW [1937]: Beatrice Evelyn (Willard) Coburn
DH [1934], dec.]: Stephen Roosevelt CoburnDS [1959]: Clyde Stephen Coburn
DD [1961]: Michelle Beatrice Coburn
DS [1964]: Darren Willard Coburn***DS [1959]: Clyde Stephen Coburn
DW [1961]: Maria Charlotte (Churchill) Coburn-DD [1986]: Bethany Cassandra (Coburn) Herrero
--DH [1988]: Luis Ricardo Herrero
---DD [2010]: Diana Alice Herrero
---DS [2013]: Damian Alejandro Herrero-DD [1988]: Jillian Candice Coburn
--DH [1988]: Christian Ross Varley-DS [1989]: Wesley Colin Coburn
--DH [1986]: Troy Victor Webster
---DAS [2023]: Milo Vincent Webster-Coburn-DD [1993]: Melissa Cheyenne Coburn
--DxBF [1992]: Dillon Blake Kiefer
---DD [2010]: Alexis Harmony Coburn
--DH [1989]: Martin Jianhong Yu
---DD [2020]: Delilah Shufen Yu
---DS [2023]: Mathias Jianhong Yu
---DD [2025]: Violet Xuiying Yu-DS [1997]: Brandon Clyde Coburn***DD [1961]: Michelle Beatrice (Coburn) Preston-DxH [1955]: Robert Benjamin Thorn--DD [1984]: Kayla Beatrice (Thorn) Mustonen
---DH [1983]: Daniel Johannes Mustonen
----DS [2015]: Oliver Eino Viljami Mustonen
----DS [2018]: Aaron Eemeli Hugo Mustonen--DD [1986]: Rebecca Michelle Thorn--DS [1987]: Joshua Benjamin Thorn
---DW [1990]: Emily Margaret (Baines) Thorn
----DS//DD [2023]: Maddox Benjamin Thorn // Adalyn Margaret Thorn-DH [1969]: Duane Jerrell Preston--DD [2000]: Maya Sabrina Preston
---DGF[2001]: Noelie Raphaelle Fontaine***DS[1964]: Darren Willard Coburn
-DW [1975]: Vanessa Guadalupe Travieso Garza--DS [2004]: Alvaro Keaton Coburn Travieso
---DGF [2004]: Daniela Xiomara Méndez
----DS [2024]: Eliana Valentina Coburn Méndez--DS [2008]: Damion Roberto Coburn Travieso
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