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[Games] Re: February’s Would You Rather..? (3)
Are we skipping DS1 and DS2?H: Stuart Ellsworth Portier
W: Oona Loveday KempthorneD: Amandine Arlette Portier
-H: Aurèle Lazare Frachon
--D: Raphaelle Maxine Frachon
--D: Clarisse Philippine Frachon
--D: Yasmine Cléo Frachon
--S: Achille Auguste Frachon
--S: Arsène Ulysse FrachonS: Sylvan Lawrence Portier
S: Clifford Amaury PortierD: Niobe Valentina Portier
-H: Moses Nathanael Friedman
--S: Cassio Levi Friedman
--D: Helena Priscilla Friedman
--D: Pietra Gabrielle Friedman
--D: Ingrid Micaela FriedmanS: Waldo Isaiah "Wally" Portier
D: Lettice Jane Portier
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