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[Games] Old McDonald had a farm {round 5/11}
Old McDonald had a farm {round 5/11}Link to previous round:
Round 5:
...and on that farm he had a RABBITChoose your favourite rabbit to name Child 1's family:
1. Peter Rabbit
2. Bugs Bunny
3. Bunnicula
4. Judy Hopps
5. Buster Baxter (from Arthur)
-x-You may choose genders of everyone you're naming this round.
As always you may change nicknames to full names or change the gender of a name (for example, Louis to Louisa).1.
Partner's name:
Alexander Anna Benjamin Diggory Drake Isaac Jack Jane Jemima Jeremy John Johnny Lucie Lucinda Maria Peter Ptolemy Rebeccah Sally Samuel Tabitha Thomas Thomasina Timmy Tom TommySurname namebank: (Optional)
Ashe Bennett Bonetti Bowe Carey Cusack Fujinuma Griffiths Kendal Laurie Lockyer Ogston Reitel Russell Scales Watson Whitfield WilsonRoll a 10 sided die to find out how many children Child 1 and their partner have. If you don't have one, here's a link to use a virtual one: namebank:
Adrian Aimee Alan Alexander Andrew Anna Anthony Atsuyuki Bob Brenda Brittany Bruce Bryan Chad Charlie Chris Christian Colin Daisy Damon Daniel David Deb Derek Dinsdale Domhnall Don Elizabeth Emma Enn Erin Ewen Fayssal Felicity Felix Fletcher Frederick Gareth Gemma Gordon Grace Gwenfair Harry Hayley Hugh Ian James Jay Jenna Jennifer Jessica Jo Joan John Joshua Josie Julie June Justin Katharine Katie Keith Kim Kirk Kyle Laurence Lennie Lesley Lynda Margot Marianne Mark Mary-Jane Megan Michael Michaela Moir Niamh Nichola Nigel Pam Patricia Peter Phillip Prunella Rachel Rebecca Richard Rik Robert Roger Rory Rose Rosemary Rupert Sally Sam Sandra Sarah Sawyer Selina Shana Sheila Sia Sophia Sophie Spike Stephanie Struan Su Suzanne Wilfred
Partner's name:
Angelo Augie Brendan Cecil Charlie Darius Dolores Dominic Donald Eddie Elmer Ernie Fred Hazel Hyacinth Jessica Kamiyah Kate LeBron Lena Lola Malik Marvin Mickey Miles Minnie Morty Penelope Raoul Rick Roger Sam Shanice Sylvester XoshaSurname namebank: (Optional)
Alaskey Bennett Blanc Dalton Elfman Fraser Jordan Julian Lawrence Martin McKinney Morrow Questel Rossi Ryan Welker WoronovRoll a 10 sided die to find out how many children Child 1 and their partner have. If you don't have one, here's a link to use a virtual one: namebank:
A'ja Amy Anthony April Archie Brandon Brendan Catherine Cedric Ceyair Charles Cherry Damian David Diana Donald Draymond Eric Frank Fred Gabriel George Harper Heather Ingrid Jenna Jim Joe Josh June Justin Kalyn Kathleen Khris Leo Les Lou Mae Marc Mary Mel Michael Mike Morgan Nancy Nneka Pat Paul Peter Richard Robert Rosario Russi Sarah Seth Sherwin Sonequa Steve Steven Sue Theresa Tony Vernon Wayne Wood Zendaya
Partner's name:
Abby Arthur Audrey Becky Boris Brian Cassandra Chester Chris Deborah Donovan Elvira Eric Grey Harold James Kari Kate Marsha Mike Mina Rafferty Rhasaan Scott Sean Sumalee VeronicaSurname namebank: (Optional)
Astin Bauza Daniel Foster Fukuhara Griffin Howe Mazzotta Monroe Orange Porter Rosado Trott Wahlgren WarburtonRoll a 10 sided die to find out how many children Child 1 and their partner have. If you don't have one, here's a link to use a virtual one: namebank:
Absalom Alaric Alcina Alice Alistair Amelie Anita Artemis Astarion Augustine Balthazar Beckett Benjamin Bree Caius Camille Cassandra Claudia Damian Demetri Dorian Edward Elena Eli Emmett Erik Esme Eudoxia Felix Finn Godric Hildegard Hunter Imalia Irina Isara Ivy James Jasper Kestrel Kira Konrad Laurent Lily Lorcan Loretta Luna Magnus Marcus Nathaniel Nicodemus Otis Peter Petronia Poppy Raphael Rosalie Rynn Salacia Santino Sorin Stefan Tarquin Therese Tomas Valentine Valerica Valerie Vasili Vincent Vladimir Ysandre Yulian Zafrina Zephon Zillah
Partner's name:
Benjamin Bob Bonnie Christine David Dawn Dharma Doug Emmitt Fabienne Finnick Flash Frubelina Gerald Gideon Jerry Jesse Judith Larry Laverne Leodore Michael Molly Nicholas Onçardo Otto Peter Priscilla Renato Stu Timmy TravisSurname namebank: (Optional)
Anderson Bellwether Big Bogo Clawhauser Delgato Fangmeyer Friedkin Grey Grizzoli Higgins Hopps Jackson Krumpanski Lionheart McHorn Oryx-Antelerson Pennington Slothmore Snarlov Wilde WolfordRoll a 10 sided die to find out how many children Child 1 and their partner have. If you don't have one, here's a link to use a virtual one: namebank:
Adam Addison Alan Beatrice Beth Bonnie Byron Celia Charlotte Conrad Constance David Della Dominic Donald Emily Erica Eve Fabienne Fortune Fuschia Genevieve Ginnifer Gita Gwen Henry Ida Idris Jared Jason Jennifer Jenny Jesse Joel John Jonathan Josh Josie Kath Katie Kazumasa Kent Kristen Leah Lenora Marianne Mark Martin Maurice Max Maya Michelle Molly Nathan Octavia Peter Philip Porsha Raymond Ricardo Richard Rupert Shakira Tommy Vivian Zelda
Partner's name:
Aaron Alexina Andrew Arthur Avery Brigid Bronwen Bruce Cameron Chris Christian Dakota Dallas Daniel Drew Eleanor Ellen Eramelinda Ethan Evan Hayley Holly Jacob Jane Jason Joanna Jodie John Julie Justin Krystal Lawrence London Luke Lyle Maggie Marcel Mark Max Melissa Michael Mitchell Nicholas Nissae Oliver Patricia Paul-Stuart Robert Robyn Roman Ryan Sally Samuel Siam Simon Sonja Steven Susan Tamar Tyler Vanessa Walter WilliamSurname namebank: (Optional)
Akyuz Armstrong Barnes Baxter Bittles Blank Bryan Cardigan Compson Crosswire Datillo Davidson Deegan Elkin Featherfoffer Fink Flynn Fox Frensky Glass Gould Grimsled Grouse Kone Krasny Langley Leduc Lundgren MacDonald MacGill Marco Merkle Molina Morgan Morris Pappas Pariso Powers Read Tibble Walters ZimmerplotzRoll a 10 sided die to find out how many children Child 1 and their partner have. If you don't have one, here's a link to use a virtual one: namebank:
Adil Alan Alberto Alex Alice Alouysious Arthur Bailey Becky Billy Bobby Bonnie Buster Carl Catherine Cheikh Cora Dave David Dora Edward Ellen Emily Fern Francine Francis Fred Frederique George Gussie Iris Irwin Isabella James Jane Jenna Jessica Kate Ladonna Leah Leonard Loretta Lori Lucy Lydia Madison Maria Marie-Hélène Marina Mary Mei-Lin Millicent Molly Monique Prunella Richard Ricky Ryder Sally Sanjeev Sean Shelley Sue Tenzin Thora Timmy Timothy Tommy Ursa Wilhelmina Winifred* trawling through name indexes and making lists of the interesting
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DH: Felix Nathaniel McDonald
DW: Beatrice Therese (Montague) McDonald
-DD1: Gwyneth Belle (McDonald) Higgins
--DH: David Gideon Higgins
--DS1: Dominic Maurice Higgins
--DS2: Henry Joel Higgins
--DS3: Jared Raymond Higgins
--DD1: Michelle Eve Higgins
-DS1: Ewan Bennet McDonald
-DS2: Griffin Rhys McDonald
-DD2: Marielle Shay McDonald
-DD3: Cleo Violet McDonald
-DS3: Montgomery Luther "Monty" McDonald
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DH: Daniel William McDonald
DW: Natalie Anna McDonald (nee Howell)DD: Lillian Anais Watson (nee McDonald)
-DH: Isaac Ptolemy Watson
--DS: Anthony Kirk Watson “Tony”
--DS: Andrew Fletcher Watson “Andy”
--DS: Bryan Joshua Watson
--DD/DD: Rachel Prunella Watson/ Sophie Rose Watson
--DD: Josie Elizabeth Watson
--DS: Christian Michael Watson “Chris”
--DD: Suzanne Nichola Watson “Suzie”DS: Felix Emrys McDonald
DD: Vivian Eloise McDonald
DS: Milo Samson McDonald
DD: Rosalie Eliza McDonald
DS: Daemon Maddox McDonaldDaniel & Natalie McDonald: Lillian, Felix, Vivian, Milo, Rosalie, & Daemon
Lillian & Isaac Watson: Tony, Andy, Bryan, Rachel, Sophie, Josie, Chris, & Suzie
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DSp: Phoenix Cedar [McAffee] McDonald [pansexual, agender, nonbinary; they/it]
DW: Serentiy Iris [Donaldson] McDonald [bisexual, transfemme; she/her]DD: Philomena "Pippa" Estelle [McDonald] Bauza [surrogacy; straight, cis; she/her]
-DH: Chester Rhasaan Bauza [straight, cis; he/him]
-DS: Zephon "ZJ" Jasper Bauza
-DD: Zafrina "Rina" Kestrel Bauza
-DS: Magnus Raphael Bauza
-DS: Damian Balthazar Bauza
-DD: Isara "Izzy" Rosalie Bauza
-DS: Alistair "Alex" Valentine Bauza DD: Kalista "Kali" Saoirse McDonald [adopted]
DS: Arven "AJ" Joash McDonald [adopted]
DD: Hazel "Hayes" Juniper McDonald [surrogacy]
DD: Barbara "Babs" Renee McDonald [surrogacy; Andi's twin]
DD: Coriander "Andi" Odette McDonald [surrogacy; Babs's twin]
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DH: Atlas Rowan McDonald
DW: Willow Iris Henderson DS: Oslo Ellison McDonald
— DW: Bronwen Drew MacGill
— DD: Francine Isabella McDonald
— DS: Timothy Alan McDonald
— DS: George David McDonaldDD: Kearney Jane McDonald
DD: Kessie Wyatt McDonald
DD: Pasadena Olive McDonald
DD: Stevie Maxine McDonald
DD: Montana Emory McDonald
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DH: Finnian Jasper McDonald "Finn"
DW: Hazel Ivy Forrest McDonaldDS: Ronan Felix McDonald
DD: Lillian Belle McDonald "Lilly"
DS: James Everett McDonald
DD: Sophia Jane McDonald
DD: Eleanor Rose McDonald "Ellie"
DS: Morgan Nicholas McDonald--
DS: Ronan Felix McDonald
DW: Lucie Anna Bennett McDonaldDD: Megan Rose McDonald
DS: Daniel James McDonald "DJ"
DD: Elizabeth Michaela McDonald
DS: Colin Felix McDonald
DS: Alexander Ian McDonald "Alex"
DD: Daisy June McDonald
DD: Gemma Niamh McDonald
DS: Rory Andrew McDonald
DD: Katharine Grace McDonald
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DH: Rowan Jasper McDonald
DW: Hazel Wren {Berkeley} McDonaldDD: Sunday Guinevere {McDonald} Crizzoli
- DH: Benjamin Peter Grizzoli
- DD: Charlotte Ida Grizzoli
- DS: Dominic Jonathan GrizzoliDS: Peregrine Ezra McDonald
DD: Ophelia Bronte McDonald
DD: Romy Camila McDonald
DS: Cassian Arlo McDonald
DD: Olive Monroe McDonald
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DH: Eduard Vincent "Eddy" Garnier
DW: Arabella Rosalind McDonaldDS: Victor Isidore McDonald-Garnier
- DW: Thomasina Lucinda Jane "Tommy" McDonald-Garnier, née Cusack
-- DD: Grace Rebecca McDonald-Garnier
-- DS/DS: Adrian David McDonald-Garnier & Felix Struan McDonald-Garnier
-- DS: Gareth Frederick McDonald-Garnier
-- DS: Christian Rupert McDonald-Garnier
-- DD/DS: Aimee Danielle McDonald-Garnier & Damon Richard McDonald-Garnier
-- DD: Margot Michaela McDonald-Garnier
-- DS: Henry Phillip McDonald-Garnier
-- DS: Colin Anthony McDonald-GarnierDD: Lucille Elizabeth McDonald-Garnier
DD: Nadine Vivienne McDonald-Garnier
DD: Charlotte Irene "Charly" McDonald-Garnier
DS: Robin Frederick McDonald-Garnier
DD: Sophie Rosalind McDonald-Garnier
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H: Augustus Francis McDonald
W: Victoria Winifred McDonaldD: Evelina Daphne [McDonald] Wilde
-H: Benjamin Finnick Wilde
-D: Fortune Jenny Wilde
-S: Conrad Dominic Wilde
-D: Molly Kath Wilde
-D: Bonnie Charlotte Wilde
-S: Tommy Ricardo WildeD: Marta Elsinore McDonald
D: Dorothy May McDonald
S: Nikita Orton McDonald
S: Troy Arlo McDonald
S: Monday Dimitrius McDonald
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DH: Jasper Silas McDonald
DW: Clover Wren HarrisDS: Forrest Jakob
-DW: Jemima Tabitha Lockyer
-DS: Felix Rupert
-DD: Daisy Rebecca
-DD: Rosemary Elizabeth “Rosie”DD: Phoebe Selah
DD: Olive Hannah
DD: Lottie Amber
DS: Silas John
DS: Rowan Elijah
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DH: Felix Gabriel McDonald
DW: Arabella Josephine (Vincent) McDonald--DS: Cassian Victor McDonald
DW: Priscilla Dawn (Pennington) McDonald
-DS: Richard Kent McDonald
-DD/DD: Leah Charlotte McDonald/Lenora Beth McDonald
-DD: Della Octavia McDonald
-DS: Alan Henry McDonald
-DD: Vivian Beatrice McDonald
-DD/DD: Maya Genevieve McDonald/Marianne Celia McDonald
-DS: Conrad Joel McDonald
-DS: Philip Raymond McDonald DD: Magda Felicity McDonald
DD: Esme Josephine McDonald
DS: Leon Marcus McDonald
DD: Ivy Louise McDonald
DS: Dermot Oliver McDonald
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DH: Cecil Ralph McDonald
DW: Edith Pearl McDonaldDD: Hazel Keziah [McDonald] Astin
- DH: Chris Rhasaan Astin
- DD: Esme Eudoxia Astin
- DD: Amelie Kestrel Astin
- DS: Peter Absalom Astin
- DD: Rosalie Therese Astin
- DD/DD: Claudia Irina Astin/Cassandra Isara Astin
- DS/DS: Nicodemus Dorian “Nico” Astin/Nathaniel Damien “Nate” AstinDD: Iris Suzanna McDonald
DS: Elliott Adam McDonald
DS: Daniel Cyrus McDonald
DD: Emma Noemi McDonald
DS: Silas Moses McDonaldCecil and Edith McDonald with Hazel, Iris, Elliott, Daniel, Emma, and Silas
- Hazel and Chris Astin with Esme, Amelie, Peter, Rosalie, Claudia, Cassandra, Nico, and Nate

This message was edited 2/23/2025, 8:10 PM

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H: Cecil Gregory McDonald
W: Ethel Miriam (Swanson) McDonaldD: Agnes Philomena McDonald
-H: Peter Benjamin Whitfield
—D: Prunella Rachel Whitfield
—D: Felicity Marianne Whitfield
—S: Rupert Frederick WhitfieldD: Estelle Marguerite McDonald
D: Bryony Beatrice McDonald
S: Laurence Toby McDonald
D: Maud Rosalind McDonald
S: Chester Anselm McDonald
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DH: Rowan Emrys McDonald
DW: Willow Autumn FredericksDD: Lilia Jane Elizabeth McDonald
DS: Cassian Wilfrid "Cass" McDonald
DS: Philip Emrys McDonald
DD: Freda Edna McDonald
DD: Maxine Rowena McDonald
DS: Lachlan Arthur McDonald***
DD1: Lilia Jane Elizabeth McDonald
DH: Charles Richard MorrowDD: Susanna June Morrow
DS: Richard Morgan Morrow
DS: Anthony Fredericks Morrow
DD: April Catherine Morrow
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H: Nathaniel Leopold McDonald
W: Penelope 'Penny' Seraphina {Copper} McDonaldD: Rosemary 'Rosie' Gwyneth
S: Isaac 'Ike' Peregrine
D: Sabrina 'Bina' Olive
S: Malachi 'Mal' Solomon
D: Henrietta 'Etta' Robin
D: Dorothy 'Dot' Rowena***D: Rosemary 'Rosie' Gwyneth {McDonald} Trott
-H: Donovan Grey Trott--D/S: Alice Rosalie / Emmett Absalom
--S/S: Felix Alaric / Peter Nathaniel
--D: Irina Esme
--S/D: Jasper Nicodemus / Camille Artemis
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LN: MacDonald
DH: Nathaniel Benjamin “Nate”
DW: Penelope Victoria “Penny”DD: Lillian Henrietta (MacDonald) Whitfield “Lily”
-DH: Peter Diggory Whitfield
—DD: Aimee Grace Whitfield
—DS: Justin Kirk WhitfieldDS: Ezra Bennet MacDonald
DS: Peter Craig MacDonald
DD: Kathryn Noel MacDonald “Kate”
DS: Simon Conrad MacDonald
DD: Julia Chloe MacDonald
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DH: Sage Jasper McDonald
DW: Aurora Marigold Summers McDonald "Rory"
Sage and Rory with Albie, Cyrus, Ewan, Oliver, Sidney, & Wallace
-DS: Albert Shaun McDonald "Albie"
-SO: Vanessa Julie Morris
--DS: Robert Shaun McDonald "Bobby"
--DS: Francis George Mcdonald "Frank"
--DS: William Carl McDonald "Billy"
--DD: Margaret Jane McDonald "Maggie"
--DS: David Edward McDonald "Davy"
--DD: Winifred Francine McDonald "Winnie"
--DD: Catherine Fern McDonald "Kate"
-DS: Cyrus Wolf McDonald
-DS: Ewan James McDonald
-DS: Oliver Hubert McDonald
-DS: Sidney Jasper McDonald
-DS: Wallace Ronan McDonald
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