[Opinions] Re: Unakite Thirteen Hotel
in reply to a message by New_Chloë
I thought this was some sort of anime series or something. Jeesh that poor kid
My first question is why the hell do they even NEED to generate a name of random ass words? Why not use a random name generator of the top X names of whatever area the child lives + the top most common surnames. Like? IF they need some sort of further identification, then give the child an identity code that corrolates with their name, birth date and location of birth etc, there's no need to put code in children's names

"one particular boogie will move mirror massaging with stirring crepe mixture, positioning loaves while in the furnace then toting items in containers" ~ best Russian daing sites (guest, 198.144.149.xxx) (2020)
My first question is why the hell do they even NEED to generate a name of random ass words? Why not use a random name generator of the top X names of whatever area the child lives + the top most common surnames. Like? IF they need some sort of further identification, then give the child an identity code that corrolates with their name, birth date and location of birth etc, there's no need to put code in children's names

"one particular boogie will move mirror massaging with stirring crepe mixture, positioning loaves while in the furnace then toting items in containers" ~ best Russian daing sites (guest, 198.144.149.xxx) (2020)