[Opinions] Re: Stella or Julia?
in reply to a message by Cristyizzi
I've personally never liked Stella though I wanted to - I like the meaning. It reminds me more of the word "stale" than it does "star". For some reason, I only barely have the word "interstellar" spring to mind. Perhaps in the future I will llike Stella more.
So my answer will have to be Julia. Not that I don't like Julia, I think it's a pretty name.

"one particular boogie will move mirror massaging with stirring crepe mixture, positioning loaves while in the furnace then toting items in containers" ~ best Russian daing sites (guest, 198.144.149.xxx) (2020)
So my answer will have to be Julia. Not that I don't like Julia, I think it's a pretty name.

"one particular boogie will move mirror massaging with stirring crepe mixture, positioning loaves while in the furnace then toting items in containers" ~ best Russian daing sites (guest, 198.144.149.xxx) (2020)