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[Opinions] Re: Names that feel incomplete to you
Yeah, lots of names that end in i feel truncated to me. Lori, Mari, Cori, Kai, even classics like Levi, Eli, and Naomi. Short names that end in vowels can sometimes feel too brief as well - Nora, Luca, Sara, Nova, Niko. Even Eva feels interrupted to me.Also names that sound like (or are) diminutives, but bestowed as full names - Su, Randy, Jamie, etc.Very short sounds seem incomplete or bereft somehow: Vee, Finn, Jett, Dee, Kay, Jay, Bay, Mae, Ian, stuff like that. I also can't get used to the more straightforward Spanish spellings of names - Camila, Ana, Violeta, Cloe, Isabela, Tomas ... They all feel half-finished to me!


Those very short names are making a comeback and it almost drives me crazy. I have a cousin with a son named Finn and I want to call him Finnegan or Findlay.