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[Games] Re: CAF: Garden Fairies (edited)
Back row:
Fairy 1: Leilani (heavenly flower)
Fairy 2: Rosalind (pretty rose)
Fairy 3: Palesa (flower)
Fairy 4: Ren (water lily, lotus)
Fairy 5: Evanthe (fair flower)
Fairy 6: Linnea (twin flower, lime tree)Front Row:
Fairy 7: Anemone (type of wildflower)
Page 1: Florin (flourishing)
Fairy 8: Rhodes (where roses grow)
Fairy 9: Azaleah (type of flower)
Page 2: Calyx (flower part)
Fairy Queen: Alvena
Fairy 10: Roisin (little flower)
Fairy 11: Bryony (type of flower)
Fairy 12: Acacia ( thorny)
I got all the names from this list :
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