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[Games] Re: Nickname game
in reply to a message by molly
1. Nicanor - Niño
2. Emmanuel - Manya
3. Maximilian - Lian
4. Maurice - Moss
5. Constantine - Stan
1. Magdalena - Midge
2. Felicity - Cissy
3. Florence - Rennie
4. Angelica - Jello
5. Ursula - Sue1. Ry - Mariah
2. Ollie - Orville
3. Pepe - Penelope
4. Benny - Ebenezer
5. Lenny - Vladlen
1. Marlo - Marie-Lourdes
2. Liv - Livingston
3. Pia - Philadelphia
4. Lou - Toulouse
5. Elle - Vanellope
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